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Salam,So my college club did a fundraising event for a thing called charity week. We charged admission tickets and accepted donations and said the money would go to charity. The event cost around 700, and I was wondering if it is halal to use some of the money that we made from the tickets to help pay for the expenses. One of the club officers said.. More
Salamo Alikom,I bought a piece of land from the state in four installments without interest, but I am bound by the end of the fourth year to have finished a large part of the construction, and this is a condition stated in the contract (the land is withdrawn upon breach of it), for this reason I am saving money for installments and construction.Is zakat.. More
Assalamu alaikum wa rahamathullahi wa barakathahu.Hazarath , its regarding payment of zakath. Usually I save for zakath from my salary and during the month of Ramalan I used to settle the same. This year Ramalan 2023, I could afford only 50% of the estimated zakath amount before the 30th day of Ramalan and the balance 50% amount I could settle in the.. More
As Salaam Aalaikum............. There is a loss of money within our team members and we are not sure where its lost. Can the amount be paid using Zakat funds. The amount normally is used for Islamic teachings.
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As salaam alaikum brother, My son is 35 yrs and has been divorced twice. He is a normal employee with basic salary. Both marriages were not yet consumerated and got terminated due to high demands from wives. The last marriage was also decided by court in the wives favour and he has to pay about 13000 $. Can we parents give our son our zakat al maal.. More
Is my salary halal for zakah if the company keeps it in riba bank b4 sending to me?
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Assalamu Alaikum.I have a cloth shop, which capital is above nisab. The profit and the family expense are equal to zero at the end of the year. My question is what will be my Zakat?
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Salam AlaykumI would like to give my Zakat al Maal to my brother (we have the same mother and same father).My brother contracted a loan with interests (Ribaa) to a bank, but then he regretted it so he asked my father to lend him some money. He reimbursed the bank loan with my father's money, but now he has a debt to my father.My brother has a work and.. More
Can Zakat be given to people affected by earthquake, flood, fire or any other natural disaster?
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AssalamuAlikom,Hope this message finds you well. Is it possible to give Zakat (زكاه المال) to my brother who is in debt to pay his student loan? He already graduated 2 years ago, he can’t find a suitable job and accordingly hasn’t started paying his debt yet. Thanks!
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Giving sadaqa secretlyAs salaam alaikum brother, I give sadaqa on behalf of my family secretly with my money to the poor in the form of rice, ration etc.. I calculate for example 10 rial on each of my family member and give the needy, is this permissible and am I doing right because I saw some Sheikhs saying that we cannot give for those who are living.. More
Assalam Alaykum ,If I purchase a property with the intention to rent it to someone but at the same time have the intention to possibly put it for sale in the future depending on if prices go up or my circumstances change and I need money, is zakat due each year on the rent received since that is the main intention or on the value of the whole property.. More
Can we donate food and groceries to the poor in Ramadan and Eid from Zakat money or sadqah?
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When giving charity, should one give without fearing poverty i.e. should they give excessively, or should it be more moderate and taking into account how much you may need in the future etc?
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I need some clear advice on my zakat calculation.
1) Do I pay zakat on my current bank balance or the amount that has been in my account for the entire lunar year?
My bank balance has been fluctuating between £3000 and £10,000 over the year so I have had £3000 consistently over the year but only accumulated additional funds over the last few.. More
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