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1341 fatwas

  • Dealing with continuous Waswasah

    Dear Brothers in Islam, assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I request your clarification on the following: 1. How do you deal with Waswasah (devilish whisperings/obsessive doubts) which continually disturb a person during ablution and prayer/recitation of Quran and other daily activities by generating disgusting thoughts? 2.The.. More

  • Using product to strengthen vaginal muscles

    Assalaamu alaykum! There is a product that women use to strengthen the muscles around the vagina and pelvic floor due to urinary problems or after childbirth. It is also recomended to use it in general as exercise for the vagina and pelvic floor, which may, for example, be good for one when giving birth, for one's health, and much more. The product.. More

  • Doubting having impurity on clothes as result of OCD

    Assalaamu alaykum. I often put some toilet paper on my private part to prevent urine and Madhy (pre-seminal fluid) from getting in my clothes. However, some urine passed and left that paper wet, and it was torn into little pieces while I was moving. I fear that while taking my clothes off, some pieces with impurity on them got on my floor. At the end.. More

  • Having thoughts that sun revolves around earth

    Assalaamu alaykum. I experience thoughts which tell me that according to Islam, the Sun revolves around Earth. I try to expel these thoughts; sometimes I succeed, and sometimes these thoughts overpower me. I have been experiencing these thoughts for nearly three and a half years. I want to get rid of these thoughts, but I am unable to do so. I hope.. More

  • Drawing unicellular organisms

    In biology, we have to draw pictures of unicellular organisms like amoebae and others. Is this permissible? .. More

  • Taking centrum tablets

    Assalaamu alaykum. I asked you about centrum and whether it is halal or not, but I could not clearly understand your answer. You told us that if it contains gelatin, but there are two types of gelatin. However, there is no mension on the bottle of centrum or their website which kind of gelatin is dissolved in it and whether it is derived from pork or.. More

  • Seeing sinful chat on WhatsApp

    If I am in a WhatsApp group where sinful things are written sometimes, am I considered as someone who sits with sinners if I close WhatsApp, put my mobile in flight mode, and do not chat with them until they chat about lawful things? .. More

  • Suffering waswasah in recitation during prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please respond urgently. I guess that you know from my questions that I suffer from Waswasah (devilish/obsessive whisperings) in recitations. To make things easier for me, can I skip the first Tashahhud and limit myself to the following short version of Tashahhud in the final unit of prayer both in the individual prayer and in congregation?.. More

  • Definition of Amaanah in Islamic terminology

    What is the meaning of 'Amaanah' according to Islam? Is it a kind of blessings? Are women considered an 'Amaanah' in Islam? .. More

  • Drawing modestly dressed women

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question. I am a girl who likes to draw, but I always make sure that my drawing is cut off (so that it would not be able to live by its own if it were real). Usually, I cut them off at the stomach or waist. Sometimes, I draw them without giving them a face. Sometimes, I only draw the body to design clothes. I want to ask.. More

  • Woman filmed in protest video by mistake

    Assalaamu alaykum. A group of protesters all of the sudden showed up. There was a female Muslim who was nearby, and one of the protesters captured her in their video without her consent. She was unable to verbally ask that person to blur her in their video, but she attempted to use her hand to tell that person that she does not want to be in the video,.. More

  • Taking medicine that contains alcohol

    Assalaamu alaykum. Dear community, I have a question. I wanted to get my driving license two weeks ago, but I failed because my leg was shaking when I had to drive. I am a very nervous person. So I bought medicine (Passedan), and I want to take some of it before the next test. After I had bought it, I saw that it contains ethanol, which is a form of.. More

  • Making computer game based on ideas from game containing Shirk

    Assalaamu alaykum. There is a game which has been known to contain Shirk (polytheism) as well as religions other than Islam. However, the cartoon is not based on these religions, it just contains characters who are part of these religions, such as Christianity, and the main plot is for these humans to battle monsters. Now, I would like to create stories.. More

  • Woman playing role of man for female audience

    In the name of Allah. Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I am a female studying in a female-only university. We have a stage show coming soon (only for females), and I have been selected to act like a man. Is it permissible for me to dress like a man, in front of a female-only audience in a stage show? May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Being patient with illness vs. seeking treatment

    Assalaamu alaykum. When the epileptic woman asked the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,to supplicate for her so that she may recover, the Prophet suggested her to be patient. Does this hadith mean that it is better to be patient in our sickness and bear the pain without searching for the means to recover? .. More