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33 fatwas

  • Surfing pornographic websites

    I'm working in the Islamic school and my boss allowed me to surf on the Internet, but sometimes I'm very frustrated to click on the porn picture. My questions are: 1) Although I'm allowed to surf on the Internet, the boss must joint the sin as I did? 2) I must pay money at the time as I surfed on the porn picture or not. 3) What should.. More

  • Dealing with immoral material

    What is the Fatwa of an activity of a person having taking candid pictures of couples having immoral activities, then circulate it to what ever means of mass communication? What is the Fatwa of an activities of a group of person having somebody letters for the pleasure of themselves or they do it for some sort of moral protection, but it is.. More

  • Pornographic cartoons

    I have a friend who watches and owns a collection of porn cartoons, he says that it's not Haraam because it's just a cartoon! Mostly Japanese anime/hentai. They are very explicit and hardcore. I think he's totally wrong. Please tell me what Islaam has to say about this. .. More

  • He talks to women and visits porn sites

    I am new Muslimah and soon to be married. I have recently discovered that my fiancé talks and receives pictures from various women and visits porn sites on the web. I am very troubled at this. Can you please help me to know what I should do? I do not want to leave my fiancé. But this discovery hurts me deeply. I know it is his right to have.. More

  • Looking at newspapers with naked women

    Is it Haram to look at newspapers with naked women? .. More

  • Avoiding use of the Internet for Haram purposes

    Iwant your advice.I oftenuse the Internetto visityour website and other Islamic websites as I have a usefor them.But on rare occasions Iopen dirty websites, then afterI the Internet cafeI regretthatI opened such websites. So I want your advice so thatI can avoid such things.I havebecome afraid to go to the Internet cafe to avoidopening those.. More

  • Pornographic films in Ramadan

    Is watching a pornographic film allowed in Islam and during Ramadan?.. More

  • Lower your gaze before it is too late

    A married man justifies seeing naked women and porno clips on TV channels, prior intercourse with his wife, with the justification that it makes him do a better intercourse with his wife. Is this Haram or Halal?.. More

  • Regrets Watching Porno Movies

    Sometimes, I watch porno movies. I wonder if there is any way I can prevent myself from such sins. I really feel so ashamed. Know that I pray all times and I am a conservative Muslim. .. More

  • Visiting websites to learn about sex in marriage

    I would like to know if it's Haram for me to visit sites such as men's health to learn how to be better in intercourse. I know that the early Muslims would discuss these issues with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), but I don't know how explicit they would be. I understand it's Haram to look at the pictures if there are any. Though I'm quite.. More

  • Deleting nude photos on Internet

    I was working on the Internet yesterday and suddenly a very ugly picture appeared of a naked woman I was shocked. How can this happen?I deleted it but without results; it formed an icon. I spent all last night in erasing that ugly picture. I was wondering about my brothers who work on the Net; how can I protect them from these pictures sent by unknownPersons.. More

  • Watching sex movies in marital sex

    I pray all the time, fast, and do what God Commands in His Book. My problem: my wife is slightly fat and she can't "turn me on" at all, but I love her. I am still too young to take any medications, so to solve my problem I watch sex movies. I just watch so I can be ready to have sex with my wife, nothing else. Is this approved in Islam? .. More

  • Chatting on Internet and Receiving Obscene Picture

    One day in Ramadhan I was chatting on Internet. I received a picture (I was almost sure that it contained a bad photo but I opened it to see what it contained? Then I regretted this act very much and I quickly closed the photo. I ask God for forgiveness. I want to know if God will accept my apology and what I must do to correct this big mistake. Thank.. More

  • How to convince brother to leave pornography

    I have a young brother who is very nice and kind and prays and fasts. I discovered recently that he browses pornography sites, bad pictures of women. I don't know how to face him and discuss it with him in convincing way. Please reply from Islamic point view and his health ... More

  • Watching Pornographic CD's

    Please give me some tips how to advice the 50 years old Muslim man who have a new habit of buying and watching pornographic CD's with his wife and his 4 growing sons. I have tried to give some advice but he made fun of me. .. More