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70 fatwas

  • Wants to dispose of ill-gotten money and property

    I have money and other properties, part of which was derived from interest based transaction, like having a loan from the government, which is Haraam in Islam? What should I do with this property? Shall I distract it, burn or throw it away? What will I do with this property?.. More

  • He was gifted money by a stripper and wants to repent

    I am an American Muslim. I have committed tons of sins while in college. And later on in life I have been trying to repent. I am satisfied spiritually now; I hope God is pleased with my pure intentions to change as well. That said, I have something hovering over my head. When I was younger I needed money and a girl I dated then gave me as a.. More

  • Has large amount of Haraam money to get rid of

    I have Haraam money in big amount how can I use it I know I can give to my family without them knowing the source can I also pay off my loans or I don't know I need a Fatwa of how I can spend the money I also have a car from the same money what should I do with it. .. More

  • How to rid of illicit earning

    I want to ask about the investment in bank shares in the Arabic countries and most of these bank's work is based on lending people money with interest, is it Halal or Haram? If it is Haram what can I do with the money that I got from my profit from these banks... More

  • Repentance for past stolen items

    I purchased stolen things from a thief in the past. Now I am afraid of Allah because I bought certain clothing items from this man. This was several years ago and I want to know what to do with some of the clothing items I purchased from him. Should these items be given or thrown away?.. More

  • Wants to dispose of stolen computer he purchased years ago

    A friend purchased a computer about 2 years ago. The computer had been stolen. He does not know the person who owned the computer. My friend has changed his life now and has repented for this major sin that he has committed. Here are the details of how he went about purchasing the computer. He used totally Halaal money to purchase the computer... More

  • Donating money that may be mixed with Haram to his son

    My father has been investing in the stock market for a few years now. Even though he only invests in companies with legitimate businesses Islamicly, recently he learned that investment in some companies that deal with Riba banks is not permitted. To purify his money, he decided to donate all the profit he made. The question is: can this.. More

  • Using interest to reclaim debts

    For some yearsI borrowed some money for somebody. I gave him one year to pay back the money, but he didn’t keep his promise. Of course he was able to pay back, but instead he spent his money for girls and other trivialities. So I decided to insistthat hetorepay my money, as I was sure that he is nota suitable person to forgive. Years went.. More

  • Getting rid of interest

    I am student studying in UK. How can I clean my money of the interest that has become mixed with my money? Lately I discovered that some money has increased in my account... More

  • Benefiting from Haram money

    A sister in Islam, phoned me. I do not know her personally. Her question is this: Three days ago her husband died of serious health problems, liver disease and drug addictions. She has a two-year old daughter from him, and his work was selling hash and other drugs. All the money he has left for her and the child is Haram money. What is she to.. More

  • Wants to return Haram money

    Five years ago I worked in the United States of America (USA) and one day my ex-employer decided to lay me off (fire me). I thought it's completely unfair to fire me with no notice and without clear reason. I felt so hopeless and frustrated. So I managed to transfer $5,000 from the company’s account to my account under the feeling that this.. More

  • Things bought by Haram money

    My mother was working in a Haram work. So, her money is Haram. Now, the problem is that from this money she bought lot of things for the house. For example, she bought a bed for my father and a washing clothes machine. Now, I'm saying to myself if my father doesn't sleep on this bed he won't be able to go to work. The same thing for washing machine.. More

  • Take the interest but do not profit from it

    I would like to enquire concerning Riba (interest). Which is the best option No.1) to take it from bank and give it away to Muslim charity without expecting reward, so it least its being benefit to Muslim's instead of Kuffar using it against Muslims. Or No.2) not to take it at all by telling the bank not to credit my account with interest... More

  • Mother worked in a bank for years

    My mother worked in a bank. At first, she didn't know that her work could be Haram, then people began talking about that problem. She was thinking about it for years and then she retreated earlier to avoid doubtful things. For going out of the bank she received an indemnity because the bank was encouraging people going out. So, my questions are: What.. More

  • Part of earning from haram sources

    I have been working in the gas station for two years'that sells lottery and it was part of our work, I quit the work but my money could be from something haram. Part of the work we do is different, I'm afraid that there is hadith that says his food is haram,cloth is haram how will 'Allah' accept his du'a, what can I do so 'Allah' will forgive me?.. More