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441 fatwas

  • His wife severely criticizes the scholars who do not adopt her methodology

    AA I got married about 3 months before. But after few days of marriage conflict started. She belongs to a group named as Salafi (I don't think they are real salafis as they consider anyone who slightly differ from them as deviant or innovator). The problem is that she is very much interested in refutations and abandonment of people on account of their.. More

  • She thinks her husband is still attached to his ex-wife

    salam aleikum. i have one big problem. i have been married with my husband for almost one and half year and we have one son who is 4 months. one year before my husband have married me he was married to another woman for 3 months then he divorced her. one day after i have married my husband he started to talk very much about this woman, about their life.. More

  • Her husband puts a password on his mobile phone

    Salamualaikum, I have a deep concern about trust in my marriage, My husband keeps his cell phone locked leading me to feel suspicious of him. I practice islam and encourage him to as well. I shared my feelings with him about it and he ignores my request to keep his phone unlocked after he told me he would not do this. He asked me to get clarity from.. More

  • She angered her husband by disposing of his money without his permission

    Assalamu Alaikum My husband had some saving in our account. He told me to use some of it for a business. I ended up using more then what he told me for the business and our needs. Most of the money is invested in the business now which is a family business. My husband is still very upset and does not want to forgive me. I know that what I did.. More

  • Her husband lied to her to encourage her to travel abroad

    i am kashmir (india) born married to kashmiri (india) born , but presently he is australian citizen. he got me to australia 8 months ago. i have a 19 mnth old boy. when i was 2 month pregnant my husband left me in kashmir alone . i stayed with my parents. after the birth of child i had problems with my inlaws. he tod me on phone that he will be good.. More

  • Her husband is angry with her because she lent her money to her best friend

    salam. my salary is 4 times that of my husband. however i'm giving him access to my bank account as much as he wants. however he's fighting me too much because i gave a loan to one of my best friends claiming that i'm not preserving money well. this loan is 1/5 of my wealth, and i'm sure that my friend will return it. am i wrong if i denied his access.. More

  • Her husband did not tell her that he has another wife

    I am an Algerian female,an engineer, I have been married for 4 years, we were happy, I have two daughters 3 yrs and 8 Mths old . since I got pregnant with the second girl I noticed that my husband changed ,our sexual life did not exist during my pregnancy and even after my delivery, when I tried to talk with him every time he says I am busy, I.. More

  • He lives abroad and heard rumors that his wife is cheating on him

    Salam-u-alikom. I am going through a very hard time. I live in the US and my wife is in Pakistan. I heard rumors that she is in touch with strange men. I went there and found out a man telephone number in her purse and many phone call exchanged between them. I found out that this man even came to her house one time. She admitted and said he is her.. More

  • Her husband has an extra marital affair with another woman

    Assalam o alekum I've been married for 10 years, have 3 kids son 9 and daughters 4 and 2. My husband was in sexual relationship with a girl before we got married for about 3-4 years. I got to know this after my son was born at that time he was sexually involved with her after some times he kicked me out of the house when I caught him talking to her... More

  • Her husband does not pray and fell in love with another woman

    Please help me for I feel sad and confused about my situation. I was married about 9 years to a converted Muslim man. He prayed for about 3 years then he stopped. I was very sad and unhappy about the situation because i wanted to be rightous man but he couldn't keep up with salat eventhough i was advising him a lot. Last year he started to chat with.. More

  • Her husband disposes of her money without her permission

    Respected scholer, Could you please answer my quietion?JASAKKALLAHU HAIRA When i marry my husband my parents gave us house ,a shop and paddy field the house is rented and we get money from that but my husbund handling all the money matters.If i want to give my parents any small gifts he get angry and he want to give his family can i tell this.. More

  • His mother refuses to let him take his wife back

    Assalamualaikum,I wanted to know whether It is right to give divorce to my wife, as peoples are saying that their family practices magic i.e. they are going to mazar and some maulana who help them in this matter.I also wanted you to know that I have been married her on dec 2007.She stayed with me for 3 months and then onwards she is staying with.. More

  • Her husband is too submissive to his father who is unkind to her

    assalam o alaikum I just got married ,it has been three months but for one and half month i am at my parents house as per my father-in law decision.He took this decision because; they were not satisfied with me. According to them my behaviour was not good enough with them,i treated them really well,(i cooked,served etc) i did all the work that they.. More

  • Her husband suddenly hated her and divorced her

    I am recently married stayed only2days after marraige as my husband had 2 leave abroad.since than we had talking on phones and net chating and we both was soo happy in our married life soon a sudden change in his attitude from love to hate and now my husband divorced me in 2 thalaq.I am 100% convinced that my husband has been afflicted with either sihr.. More

  • Her husband refuses to listen to her complaints about his family

    assalamualikum,i married before 4 years ago.i tells something about my husband and his father gave me 1 kg gold and 5 lakhs Indian father-in-law took my cash and gold to his daughter mother in law torture me many ways.sister-in-law's husband behaving me at vulgarly.After marriage my husband not good job,after 2 year got.. More