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Is it permissible for me to have and keep a black cat? There seems to be conflicting stories. Please give sincere advice, and thank you so very much. I have several cats.
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Assalaamu alaykum. As we all know, hunting and killing animals without the intention of eating the meat is haraam. However, many Muslim countries are facing the issue of feral pigs devastating crops, attacking people, spreading contaminates, and so on. Knowing the dangers of the feral pig population, especially in Tunisia, what does Islam permit regarding.. More
Assalamu alaykom respected scholar. I understand the impurity of dogs and agree that they are suitable for a muslim's home apart from what our Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,allowed. My husband recently went to a home to pick up a parcel that we had bought, and the owner had a dog. The dog ran to my husband in a happy mood to greet him. My husband.. More
Assalamualaikum, I understand that purchasing cats is deemed makrooh or even haram but I live in the west where cats are only bought and sold. Also if I want to obtain a young kitten that is quiet by nature and suitable for indoor living only I can only buy it. I have tried to find muslims or even non-muslims who are gifting these animals but I have.. More
Please advise if it is halal for me to foster puppies for a year which then go on to training facilities to become assistance dogs for the disabled community e.g. Guide dogs for the blind. Jazakallaahukhairun
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Asallam U Alaiku, Is it permissible to keep an animals name a name like 'zahra' There is a computer game that children play which has a zoo and the hippos name is zahra. Is this sinful? (The name 'zahra' is also used in other languages apart from Arabic).
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Asalam o Alaikum!! if some insects like ants are killed under our feet walking, cleaning house, or by any other way not having an intention to kill them but killed due to they are large in number and spread everywhere? What's the ruling on it? Is it equal to killing of a man? .. More
It is a hobby of mine to hunt flies in the air by beating them with a small piece of wood. Is this impermissible because it hurts the flies? Thank you. .. More
Are there Muslim and non-Muslim animals and birds or will they not be held accountable?.. More
I have a question. The question is the following: There are 10 animals which will blessed with heaven by Allah Almighty. I want to know about those animals; which animals are they, and what is the reason for this blessing? Please tell me about these animals. I know about some: the dog which belonged to the youth of the cave, and the lamb which was sacrificed.. More
Assalammualaikum Nowdays people been keeping lizard such as iguana and bearded dragon as pet, i wonder is it permissible? I know that there was a hadith which the Prophet never forbided Abu umair from keeping a bird (nughair) but what about iguana and other lizards (other than gecko)? also if keeping it as pet is permissible, is it permissible to.. More
Salaam Alaykum, Is it true that Frogs are considered to be sacred or pious creatures? Also, I do want to know that whether Frogs engage in remembrance of ALLAH (Almighty) or do they make "Tasbeeh" as said by Dr.Zakir Naik? Do they say Subhaan ALLAH, AlhamdulILLAH and ALLAHu Akbar as we say? May ALLAH (Almighty) reward you with Goodness... More
Asalamualaikum. I used to have a cat, whom I loved very much and treated her like a sister! Then one day I feel ill and had to have home treatment and so I had to give the cat away to cat shelter. I miss her sooooooo much and cried like a baby when I had to give her away. It makes me sad and depressed because I have seen kaffirs doing very haram things.. More
Assalamu aleikum I just wanted to know whether we should observe the halal meat ruling when feeding our pets also? Most of the pet food items in supermarkets, contain beef and chicken , and obviously(Since it's animal food), they dont have a halal mark on them. Are we allowed to feed our pets these pet food items which contain meats/meatflavouring and.. More
Assalaam Aleikum. I would like to know is it permissible to breed cats? Some breeds are worth a lot of money and the young kittens are very expensive. Is it o.k to make money in such a way? Thank you... More
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