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Is fish farming halal or haram in Islam?.. More
I know the evils of keeping a dog in the house. What I would like to know is if my parents keep one against my will, power or authority, what should I do about this? I cannot live on my own as I'm still dependent on them. .. More
Thank you for answering question number 135378 about pictures. In the question I asked whether animals have soul and you answered yes. When I discussed this with my friend he said that animals do not have soul .So my question is how can we prove from Noble Qur'aan and Hadeeth that animals have soul? Hope you will answer this question. .. More
Why do dogs cry at the time of Fajr Azan? This is an incident that I've noticed very often... More
We shoot live targets, especially pigeons in games and practice for the championship. After the game or championship, the pigeons are slaughtered by Halal means and sold to poor people. This occurs 2-3 times weekly before championships as training. No betting occurs. The only money involved is for targets and shells. Is this practice Halal?
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May I have a reference about dogs being forbidden to live with Muslims and why? Is there any exception for the small clean and hygienic dogs?.. More
My Muslim brother asked me the following questions to which I couldn't find an answer:1) He is a veterinarian and he wants to know what he should do when dogs are brought to him for treatment, because dogs are considered as ''Najas''? Is it Haram for him to treat dogs?2) Can he cut dogs' ears and tail and sterilize them? Your quick answer to these questions.. More
I have a dog in my house but he is an outdoor pet. I would like to know how to clean myself from it when praying. In Ramadhan, does it effect my fasting?
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I have a cat and it sleeps in my room but I pray in the same room is it bad because I pray in my room and there is a cat?.. More
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