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Is the net marketing Halaal? I have invited to study in virtual university on the net and they told me for every student I bring to them and made make register in the university and it will be like this: I can make 2 students register direct from me then I will got 10 dollarsfor everyone like commission then every person register by those 2 student.. More
I have started working in web marketing where I post announcements about working using the internet (electronic commerce). I don't market any forbidden stuff like dating or anything. Just how to find jobs on Internet and how to improve your life. I need to know if this is permissible or not in Islam. .. More
Nowadays a lot of US sites offer money for giving surveys. Is it Haraam or Halaal to earn money by giving surveys? Also is it proper to sell e-books online? I ask this because e-books can be sold in online format many times without buying them? In Islam is it compulsory to buy things before selling?.. More
I have following query: Is currency trading Halal/ Haram? in Islam? My question will be cleared by the following example. Example: If I buy one EURO against two Dollars, and in my mind I will sell my purchased one EURO when it will be equal to three Dollars. There is an equal chance that in the future one EUROmay become equal to one Dollar and I have.. More
I am running an online shopping mall. I would like to know if it is permissible/allowed in Islam to do business through affiliates. Affiliates are those who help businesses to advertise. Affiliates receive commission on a sale brought by the affiliate to the business. Moreover, affiliates also run online sites through which they place my banner.. More
You might know about the trading that goes on the Internet. We purchase a commodity using our bank accounts in USA. The thing never reaches us, and then on the fluctuating market when the prices go up we sell it for profit. In this whole process we never get the stuff we buy. All we do is online trading (simple we never have to leave our place.. More
Please give us your opinion about Network Marketing is it Halal or Haram?.. More
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