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905 fatwas

  • Accepting credit card sales

    A great number of taxi drivers in New York City are Muslims. And a Law is underway requiring all taxi to be accepting Credit Cards as one of the payment methods. What is the Islaamic ruling about this being that they make a living in this business? Should they leave the job all together because the law will also forbid drivers to refuse.. More

  • Promoting credit cards; scanning a cartoon book

    I have two questions here and I'm in hunger of their answers and I'll appreciate if you answer them promptly. 1) I want to work in store as a Sales Associate and part of my job is to open store's Credit Cards to the customers and in this process I have to be very persuasive and try to make these customers to open a Credit Card and in.. More

  • Working for a news agency from a non-Muslim country

    Is it permissible to work for a news agency from a non-Muslim country such as Reuters or AFP?.. More

  • Islamic teachers collecting salary

    Is it good or prohibited for Islamic scholars teaching in an Islamic school or in any school teaching Islamic knowledge to collect salary or money for teaching, because in has devoted all is time for the teaching. If it right what is the evidence according to the Qur'aan and Sunnah... More

  • Working illegally according to visa status

    I have come to the U.K. to work as a doctor. Alhamdulillaah, I have got job as a doctor starting from February 2005, so there still few months for this job to start and I am not legally allowed to do any other job. In this case, if I do some other job (which is illegal according to my visa status) till February 2005, will the money I will earn be.. More

  • Has a hotel where prohibited acts are being done

    My permanent residence is in Sri-Lanka, which is a non-Islaamic country. Provided, I open up a hotel with rooms, restaurants, and banquet hall. I am compelled to entertain believers and non-believers alike. In this case, if the non-believers bring along things like alcoholic drinks to the hotel, or else sometimes if even bring females to rooms.. More

  • Business based upon 'residual income'

    For your hard work and may Allah reward you the highest level of Paradise. Several businessmen would like me to join their business that I have some doubts towards. This business is based on 'residual income', where an innovator or entrepreneur gets 4% profit from every person who uses his idea to launch profitable business (ex. franchises)... More

  • Working for a TV program

    I got a job offerART (the television program) (ART stands for Arabic radio television). The job is in their office in California and it is customer service or a secretary assisting the president and vice president. For example, answering their private calls, and doing paper work. My question is this job considered Halaal or Haraam since ART is.. More

  • Taking a questionable accounting job

    My questions are regarding one of the facts about the accountancy profession. Actually I want to join an accountancy firm for practice but one thing is stopping me doing that which is the way the firms works. They don't show the true profit of the business to save tax on the instructions of the business man and don't follow completely the.. More

  • Working on a questionable project

    I work in a project where our company give mobile services to customers. Roaming customers who spend more duration in using mobile will be given some tickets. The more the customer spends time while making calls he will get more tickets. After a scheduled date a draw will be done and the person who is selected in the draw will receive a big prize.(say.. More

  • Forex transactions for Muslims

    My question is about on Online Forex Trading. My question is as follow with a little introduction on Forex. "Forex, or Foreign Exchange, is the simultaneous exchange of one country’s currency for that of another. We provide foreign exchange for the purpose of investor speculation. The investor wishes to purchase or sell one currency for another.. More

  • Buying on the Easy Home Policy in Pakistan

    I know that banking business is un-Islamic due to Ribaa. However, recently there is a new bank in our country called Al-Meezan Bank. They claim it to be on Islamic lines. They have an Easy Home Policy. In this policy, if you buy a property of let's say of Rs.10,00,000 and they contribute approx. Rs.8,00,000. They become your partner in that house... More

  • A resident physician made a mistake in treating a patient

    I am a junior doctor doing my residency in cardiology. I attended a patient of heart attack. He had a similar history of chest pain as few days are. There is an injection that we give a patient within 12 hours of his chest pain. A colleague convinced me that it was an old pain and that an injection was not to be given. I agreed with him because.. More

  • Home purchasing in the US

    I am considering to purchase a house in the US. Since it is impossible for me to have $250,000 in cash to buy the house, I only have three options, listed below, that require your guidance. Option-1: I can take a conventional "home mortgage" bank loan to buy the house. The problem is, it involves interest "Riba" to be paid for the life of the.. More

  • Works for restaurant and concerned about products sold there

    I am an American Egyptian who studies in Egypt and works during the summer in America to earn my own money and make a living. An Egyptian businessman in New York City offered me a job in his restaurant which sells pizza which has chicken, beef and turkey toppings. He doesn't know how these animals are slaughtered. I wrote to the company that sells.. More