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720 fatwas

  • Dissolute mother has no right to custody of children

    Asalamualikum! my co-wife lives in USA with 4 kids. she visits guy clubs(have witnesses) drink and take drugs too. There are witnesses of her activities and they spoke to my husband and informed him about that. We living in Saudi Arabia she as also here but she decided to go back to USA bcz she didn't have the freedom here. Now she get handsome amount.. More

  • She refuses to lose hope for sick son

    Message Body:: Assalamu alaikum, i have a child who is 9 months old, but he can't do anything like other children do at this age. his neck is not get strong yet. he cant eat properley, he has no response of his vision and hearing. he can't put up his neck and body..... he is totally is in a disorder...mentally, phisically and socially..... i am meeting.. More

  • She wishes to separate from her husband and take her kids with her

    Assalaamu alaikum I am asian while my husband of 13 years is of arab origin. We have 4 kids ...the youngest is 3 and the oldest is 12. Before our marriage me and my family got a promise from my husband that he will not marry again after me. He promised and we do not put in our marriage contract as we trusted him. Now he has married again and denies.. More

  • Divorced father's right to see his children even if he does not spend on them

    Salaamu aleikoum, I have a daughter from previous marriage who is now 14. She's been living with me in my care for all her life. I was Islamically married to my ex, but he never married me in the civil manner. It wasn't a good marriage, but I don't go into details publicly. He didn't sign her birth certificate aknowledging he is the father. We got divorced.. More

  • Mother's testimony alone does not prove child's lineage

    Years ago, my brother’s Rabiba (Step daughter) was sexually abused by my brother (her step father). When I found out, I contacted her mother (my sister in-law) and told her what had happened, but her mother turned a blind eye to the matter and she (rabiba) was further abused. I wanted to help her (rabiba), so I looked for solutions everywhere and.. More

  • Ruling on looking for one's roots

    Is it not permissible for a Muslim to look for his roots? Some family members in India wants to know about their ancesters history in order to form a book. So is it permissible from the view of Quran & Hadith to do so? .. More

  • Child's best interests should determine who takes custody of it

    My question is regarding the custody of a child when the parents divorced. I have recently asked for a release from my husband while being pregnant. I am having difficulty understanding the custody situation in the issue that comes with divorce. The man that I married came from Yemen for medical reasons and during this time he took me as his third wife... More

  • There is no harm in carrying the name 'Baasit'

    Assalamo alikum Brother, My name is Basit Minhas and i am from Pakistan.Unfortunately my parents named me Basit Minhas without using Abdul.Now i am named Basit minhas on all my official Documents and all my family members and friends call me Basit without saying Abdul.Kindly tell me is there any sin or not because i heard that some names of Allah can.. More

  • Child of Zina has nothing to do with his biological father

    My young son was seduced by an older married woman. After 1 instance of intercourse she became pregnant and hid away. later she made contact with my son and allowed him to grow to love his daughter. She also asked him for money giving sob stories. She maintained secrecy over her identity - "Aishah". After the amounts of money and complications became.. More

  • A non-Muslim parent is not entitled to custody of Muslim children

    Salam wa alykoum, I am emailing you to ask you what islam say about my kids live with their christian mother as we are divorced? and now she is has a boy friend, she is a good woman as she respected me and she never bring her boyfriend to her house while my kids there with her, but is that right i stop her bring her partner to her house while my kids.. More

  • Your mother's children from Zina are your lawful siblings

    salam alaikom, i have a question to ask. My parents got divroced and my mother has become a non muslim, she has concieved two children by zinaa and to her she sees it as being normal because she isnt muslim anymore. Are these children classed as my brothers and do i have to give them there rights as brothers ? .. More

  • 'Aqeeqah meat may be kept and served later

    As salaam o alaikom. Thanks for answering my previous question. I am presently pregnant Alhamdulillah and would like to do the aqiqah of my child on the seventhth day Insha allah. Can the meat be preserved and used for giving a feast after a couple of weeks, as I will not be able to attend to guest due to ill health? It is a practice in our family to.. More

  • Sending Muslim children to schools where studying Christianity is mandatory

    My child goes to secondary school in London(UK) and as part of the GCSE subjects, it has been mandatory that RE lesson (Christianity) is taught. This means that the child is reading and learning text books which contain verses from the bible. I don't want my child to learn this, but the school said it is mandatory. I don't know what to do. I now want.. More

  • He left his wife to live with a woman from whom he had two illegitimate children

    Before marriage I was with a girl out of wedlock, ive had two children with the girl out of wedlock. I tried to keep it all quiet so I could keep my family happy. Well eventually it all came out nd I saw no other option to leave home. Now im with the girl out of wedlock looking after my children. Ive become colse to the kids and I dont want them to.. More

  • His wife claims that her children from him are illegitimate

    After nine years of marriage my wife admitted that all her four kids were illegitimate. I divorced her.She requested me to keep it a secret for the sake of kids. More than three years later she has filed a suit for recovery of maintenance of the kids. Before divorce she had taken an oath on Quran that she was innocent. Sometime later a religious scholar.. More