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720 fatwas

  • 'Aayah' as a girl's name

    Assalam Alaikum, I was just wondering if it was acceptable to name my daughter “Ayaah“ ? As some of my friends mentioned that it may not be acceptable as they haven't heard that name used for a girl before. Please advise. JZK .. More

  • A dissolute mother has no right to child custody

    my nephew (muslim) "sharia marriage" a hindu who reverted to islam and prayed and fasted. A year ago she took her mother to india for cancer treatment. There (being alone) she smoked, drank went dicos and had affairs with men and visited mujaras. My nephew left her (now one year). They have a son, who is shared one week each. If we go to law court (as.. More

  • Moral care of children more important than physical care

    Request guidance for parents responsibilities towards a child. A very wealthy God fearing couple very punctual with namaz & rozas have adopted a girl child from wife's sister since birth girl is now 16 years. They are lavishing her with expensive gifts & comforts. The child is treated more or less like a pet as they both travel extensively leaving.. More

  • She wants to deliver normally after 2 caesarian sections

    Salam alaikoum, There is a woman I know who has 2 children, masha allah and is pregnant with her 3rd child. Her first 2 children were delivered by cesarean section. She has found a doctor who supports her having a normal birth despite the fact that she has had 2 cesareans. The doctor said the risk of uterine rupture is about 1% after 2 cesareans... More

  • Illegitimate child is attributed to its mother

    assalamu alaykuma wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! may Allah bless and reward you, as i have a question that is quite difficult to answer! i know of a girl who is an illegitimate child. although her father is muslim, her mother is not. her mother also abandoned her after birth, and the maternal side of her family have cut off all ties, wanting nothing.. More

  • 'Aqeeqah meat may be used for Waleemah

    can we use the meat of aqiqah in the waleema feast of child's uncle( chacha)? .. More

  • Tracing back Muslim daughters to other than their non-Muslim father

    Salam May write the following for your kind and valuable advice please.. 1. We living in India and that is not an Islamic country. 2. One of my brothers had got married to a Hindu woman who had embraced Islam along with her two daughters. 3. Presently these two daughters are living with their mother in sponsorship of my brother and masha allah they.. More

  • Child is legitimate if Li'aan is not done immediately

    AAWW, dear brothers and sisters, please help me I have commited a great sin. I have an affair that resulted in a child, I have read an all answers that relate to my situation and am following the advise. my husband does not know about it and nobodys knows either i did not reliase this in the beginging but as the child grows am begining to think she.. More

  • An Illegitimate son may lead prayer and bury his mother

    I am a son born out of wedlock my parents never married & i was raised by my mother I had never met my father & recently learnt than he had passed away my concern is as a muslim & being illegitimate i know that i cannot lead any Namaaz/Salaah i want to know should my mother die will i be able to lay her down in her Qabr & can i be.. More

  • Calling one’s brother by brother or by younger brother

    Assalamualaykom... In my country it is a culture n norm for us to call our siblling not by their name. We normally address them them by brother (but in our language) ,if a brother is older than us n sister if the sister is older than us n by younger brother/younger sister if they are younger than us. This is more to show respect rather than call.. More

  • What to begin with: ‘Aqeeqah, ‘Eed sacrifice or paying back a debt?

    i am a father of 7 days old doughter so i need to know which one i do since threre limitation of money in this two months aqiqaah of the lady, loan repay and odhiya naxar(the eed odhiya) .. More

  • The housing of a divorcée and her two kids

    Dear Sheikh, I have a question regarding towards the housing of two kids and their mother. My husband divorced me after losing his business. The idda is over, and he applied for a legal divorce, leaving me full custody, but no child support, nor nafa'a. He started to push us out of the house, claiming it is haraam for me to stay in his house... More

  • Her husband refuses to let her daughter from a previous marriage live with them

    I have daughter from my previous marriage. Because of family problems, I lived with my mom and my daughter has been adopted by my mom. so my daughter lived with me and my mom. After six years of marriage, I got a porposal for marriage. We told them that I am married but seperated. My current husband emphasize for divorce as he consider its time.. More

  • An illegitimate son from a man who wants to marry another woman

    I am a Christian and had a baby with my ex boyfriend who is a Muslim Lebanese. He wanted to abort the baby after finding out about it but I refused. He said that he doesnt want the baby and that he doesnt care about him and i should not contact him anymore. We were both in Abu Dhabi that time and I had to leave my work and everything I had.. More

  • Using “Abdul” as a family name

    AssalamuAlaikum, May name is Abdul Majid. When I was making my passport I willingly used Abdul as my last/Family name since I did not have a family name. All my brother's names starts with Abdul. I wanted to carry family name to next generation and therefore I would like to know if I can use Abdul as last/family name for my self and my children?.. More