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682 fatwas

  • Zakat for accumulated money

    (for example) I have 100 dollars and i pay a zakat of 2.5 dollars after completing a year.The next year i am able to save 197.5 dollars(100+97.5) along with the money for which zakat is already paid ,now should i pay zakat for 100 dollars or for 197.5 dollars?In hanafi fiqh what does they say?.. More

  • Giving charity to a non-practicing brother who is sick and a heavy smoker

    salam alaykom,i need t ask about sadaka.My brother is 33 yars old,doens't work and doesn't have any income but he had been facing since like 12 years now some sychlogical problems afte our father died in front of him.The problem is that he doesn't want to do anything like working,going out of home unless for a very short time.He smokes a lot sometimes.. More

  • Giving Zakah to a new Muslim maid who is saving money

    Salam alaikum, I would like to know if my Fillapino housemaid who embraced islam in Ramadan 2006 can accept Zaka from me, She has left my home now & she is trying to save money to work in another country where she will be better paid, she has a little savings already towards this, so i would like to know can i give her my zaka, the amount of savings.. More

  • Giving Zakah to indebted maternal uncle

    Assalam-o-Alaikam, I am ordinary muslim and not so updated on several islamic rulings but ALHAMDOLILLAH i try to learn and improve upon myself.hope u will help me in that endeavour. QUESTION.I ve my one elderly maternal uncle who is in financial crisis and he is in so much critical condition that he borrows money for his modest expenses and he told.. More

  • Zakat on debt in business

    Aasalaam alaikum. I want your guidance for calculating my Zakah. I am engaged in a small business of supplying engines to taxi (car) owners in India. They pay the engine price in instalments. Hence, i have some money to be received from the taxi owners (which insha-allah i may receive during the coming months / year). Do i need to pay Zakat on this.. More

  • Zakat is obligatory every lunar year

    We Muslims are giving zakat every year and we know it is obligatory. One of my friend questioned why we have to give every year, where it is written? As per him, it is once in a life. Please give the evidence from Quran and Hadith for supporting that zakat has to be given on yearly basis. .. More

  • Has not paid Zakat on jewelry for years because of her father's debts

    salaam , Is zakat due for a girl who has inherited sufficent amount of jewllery from mother but has no means to pay the zakat given that my whole family is under massive debt . i am single and depedant upon my father. also zakat was not paid for several years due to poor financial situation of the family so can i just pay if its due for just one year.. More

  • Zakat on money kept to be paid for a purchased land

    I have purchased in December 2005 a piece of land. I have partially paid its cost (a kind of down-payment) waiting for transaction finalisation (some paperwork to be provided). I still have to pay around 20,000 $ which I have kept in my bank account. Do I have to give Zakat on this amount knowing that one I may finalize the issue at any time (depends.. More

  • Helped his indebted brother and sister without intending the reward

    We are two brothers & one sister; our mother is living & father passed away. When I returned home about two years ago, I found out that my mother had kept three apartments as part of my inheritance. Due to unintentional mistakes & wrong decisions taken by my brother & sister, they racked up a huge amount of debt against the building.. More

  • Zakat on advance rent payment of a house

    I am due to receive the rent of my house for 2 years in advance. Am I supposed to pay zakat on this and how much. Jazakum allahu khayran... More

  • Giving Zakah for an orphan's education

    ASA, I would request you to answer the following questions with rehards to Zakath money. 1. May I use zakath money to finance to my relatives for technical education? He is yateem. 2. May I use zakath money to buy furniture and gift items for my relatives (sister) for her marriage. She is yateem. I would appreciate your early reply. Regards, M.Imam.. More

  • Assessing the Nisaab of Bank Notes

    Assalaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullaah wa Barakaatuh, How do we calculate the Nisaab on paper money? What I found out is that you have to pay Zakaah on paper money equal to 606 grams of chandi (silver). Now, I am confused regarding Nisaab. I am getting a monthly salary of 80,000 rupees. Suppose now I have 150,000 in the bank (without.. More

  • Zakat on rented agriculture land

    Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullah e Wa Barakatuhu, My father own an agriculture land and has a contract with farmer and the farmer give money on yearly basis to my father. He has taken the loan from bank against that agriculture land, which is four times more than the yearly income from that land. Now, query is that do he has to pay ushar or zakat on.. More

  • Giving Zakah to private Islamic schools

    Assalam Alikom, I live in Montreal, Canada. And about 10 years ago, we saw a rise of fulltime Islamic schools that help our kids learn the morals and values of Islam, while getting the required high school diploma. I would like to know if I can give my Zakat Almal to one of the private Islamic school that my own kids attend? This school survives on.. More

  • Zakat on gold saved to pay off a loan

    My friend has a question about Zakaah. She wants to know if there is Zakaah on gold if it is being kept to pay back a student loan. She has to pay off a loan, so can she buy gold without paying Zakaat on it. This will eventually be used to pay back the loan. .. More