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When I was at school I did a play based on the blind man, bald man and leper Hadith.Without realizing the extent of my sin, I made changes to the revelation such as changing the bald man to a cripple.I made tawbah to Allah but I want to know if it’s kuffr if I don’t announce my mistake to everyone who watched the play?Also is it considered as disbelief.. More
Assalaam alaykom. Thank you for the previous replies. Recently, I started a conversation with a Quranist in order to convince him that one cannot reject the Hadith. Basically, I have been able to deal with most of his arguments except for the following one, in which he uses the science of Hadith itself to refute its authenticity, especially that of.. More
I have a question regarding abrogations in Islam during the time of prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. My question is: how can we be sure that the authentic hadiths that we have today were not abrogated (i.e., sometime after that but before the demise of prophet Muhammad) and there was a new ruling on the matter? There are many matters.. More
I am asking this website because I think that it gives rational answers to the questions, not like some other website wich answers like priests: "Just believe."
(1) I read Saheeh Al-Bukhaari and saw many scientific errors in it, like that the sun sets, and we know today that the sun does not rise nor set, and this create doubts in my heart and causes.. More
Asalamu 'aleykum.My previous question number was 2571729 and i asked a question concerning the distance between heaven and earth. I thank you for your efforts but it did not really help me that much. So you mentioned, that this Hadith may not be sahih. Is there just one hadih mentioning that 500 year distance between heaven or earth or are there more.. More
May Allah reward you dear scholars.Is it possible that a Hadith that contains a specific ruling in the religion has been lost?Do most of the scholars of Hadith agree on the classification of a certain Hadith? Meaning do you rarely find any differences of opinion concerning the authenticity of a certain hadith?Some of the Quranists (A name that ironically.. More
Aslamualakaum sheik, im conffused, i came accross a site that rejects hadiths, and there resson is that they say hadiths mock the Prophet (pbuh) and Allah, they gave some examples as well. How do we reply to this. The hadiths are in muslim and bukarih. Im mean have schollrs wrote about them exapliniong them becuse i have seen many hadiths that i didnt.. More
Aslamaulakaum How do we refute these arguments of hadith rejectors. 1) They say saying bukkari is the second most authentic book after the Quran is shirk. 2) Following hadiths is shirk becuse you are making the Prophet (pbuh) equal to Allah. .. More
Despite the fact that the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs and the other six Companions who were given the glad tidings of entering Paradise were the nearest people to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, they did not have many narrated Hadeeths in terms of interpreting the verses of the Quran in books like Tafseer by Ibn Katheer and the like. However,.. More
I want to know the difference between the two following Hadeeths:
First: Once a Companion said to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, “What is your opinion if one of us enters his home and finds a strange man, consequently, he kills him? The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, answered: “If you kill him, we will kill.. More
There are certain websites/books which states that most of the ahadith narrated by Abu Hurairah(ra) are unauthentic because it is not possible for him to narrate so many ahadith as his association with Prophet Muhammad(sas) is only for 3 years. I want to know how many ahadith from Abu Hurairah(ra) have been recorded in Sahih Bukhari and Musilm.. More
one man 'chekannur moulavi' in kerala propogating Abu Huraira Bukhari Muslim and so on were Jews and they wanted to spoil Islamic ideals. Your comment
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Assalamu Alaikum, There is a hadith that if a person eats odd number ajwah dates, he will be protected from magic and poison. During a muslim debate with christians, christian scholars challenged to prove this hadith. The muslim scholar said that the hadith is against Quran and common knowledge and hence cannot be accepted. Is the hadith acceptable.. More
What is the ruling on a person denying a Saheeh Hadeeth that is authenticated in Saheeh Al-Bukhaari or Saheeh Muslim?
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What is the ruling on someone who denies the narrated Hadeeths about the Mahdi and the Antichrist?.. More
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