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92 fatwas

  • Blasphemy against the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is an act of apostasy

    What is the ruling on someone who blasphemes the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? If he repents will his repentance be accepted, or should he be killed for apostasy?.. More

  • Insulting Allaah, His Messenger or Islam is disbelief

    What is the ruling regarding the person who insults Islam and Allaah The Almighty? Will Allaah The Almighty accept his repentance?.. More

  • To blaspheme Allaah is disbelief

    A person unintentionally blasphemed Allaah The Almighty but he fears Him a lot and wants to repent. What is the ruling concerning him? Is his repentance acceptable? .. More

  • Pretended embracing Christianity to get nationality in a Western country

    Asalam-u-Alaikum For getting Canadian Nationality my father say(lie) in Canadian court that he accept Christian since 1985. Now he accept that he had done wrong Will you please tell what is they way of doing Tauba. either he can do tauba alone or he have to do it publicaly as he had said about accepting Christianity publicaly in Canadian court and what.. More

  • Confused about friendship with a non-Muslim

    I have an Iranian friend. She was a Shiite Muslim and now became a Mormon Christian after marrying to a Mormon American man. When she is with me she says she believes in Allaah and Jesus, may Allaah exalt his mention, cannot be the son of Allaah. However, she also says it is not a big deal if Allaah has a son or not as long as you.. More

  • Nullifiers of one's Islamic belief and their cure

    How can a Muslim be declared outside of Islam? How he can came back? What are the evil practices involved is nullifying Islamic belief? .. More

  • Effects of apostasy

    What is the effect of changing your religion from Islam to another religion on a person, community and country? Please answer me quickly... More

  • Questions about a new converted wife's faith

    The question: I want to ask is of utmost importance to me and I would appreciate if it can be answered as soon as possible. I married my wife ten years ago. She was born in a family where father is an atheist and mother is a non-practising Christian belonging to Armenian Church. My wife is educated and makes opinion about the things on logic... More

  • Husband curses Allah but repents

    I am a married woman with a son. I am a born and raised Canadian but my parents and husband are born and raised Lebanese. My husband is a diabetic, and has a terrible temper because his glucose is not stable. When he's having one of his regular temper tantrums he curses Allah. "May Allah Forgive him" He usually says "Astaghfir Allah" thereafter... More

  • Insulting the Holy Prophet is Kufr

    While chatting with a female through the net, she gave some very bad abuse to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). From that day I am feeling guilty that because of me, she used some very bad words to our Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). What should I do as a compensation for that act?.. More

  • Wanting to leave Islam for Christianity

    I have a friend who has fallen into bad influence and someone has put into her mind that Islam is Wrong and Christianity is right! I have tried many times to talk to her about this and get her back to Islam but was not successful. Is there any good solution to get the thing out of her head?.. More

  • Faking apostasy

    What is the ruling concerning somebody who promised somebody that he would give up his religion in order to get some worldly matters? Know that this person does not mean what he says and that his heart and mind are not convinced by what he said and that he still practices his religious duties (Salah, fasting, etc.). It is only his tongue that said.. More

  • Dealing with an apostate to Christianity

    Rather sadly, a former brother converted to Christianity and this information has been verified. What options are available to us now in dealing with him? Should we boycott him or continue to associate with him? What was the way in which Abu Bakr dealt with the murtaddoon?.. More

  • Muslim was baptized in church ceremony

    I'm a Muslim living in the United States. I have committed a sin that I can't forgive myself for till this day. I met an American girl, that I fell in love with and ended up marrying her. However, during the time we spent before marriage, she convinced me to go to church with her and get baptized at her church. I know deeply that this was Kufr and.. More

  • Supplicating for Father Whose Religion Was Doubtful When He Died

    My father was a Muslim. But when he married his second wife he started praying like Christians. Now he died. I am confused about whether I can pray for him. But he was not of my religion. Shall I pray for him using Muslim forms of prayers? .. More