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483 fatwas

  • Helping her non-Muslim mom financially

    Asalamu alaikom I am Muslim women Alhumdulilah, but my mum and my family are not. My mum she has a shop and had been borrow people money and she use to do it. I had helped her one time to pay out all her depth and she had promise me not to do it again and finally she did it again. I am very sad and try to tell her what she doing is not right. Now my.. More

  • Insulting his mother

    i was grawn by my "mother" who leads me to unnecessary insults on her. When she gets angry, she says I "am not your mother". Am I expected to accept her motherhood? Please reply me as fast as possible... More

  • Left home because his parents do not treat him as a grown up

    Asalaamu Aleykum This question is regarding my parents most emphasis on my dad. All through my youth years I have been following his wishes, such as not going outside, coming right back from school, not going to any basketball or any sport related activites, and pretty much going to school and coming back home. I did not have a youth and was percieved.. More

  • Her father mistreats her mother

    As-salaam-wu -alaikum,my question is based on the topic"treatment of a husband with his wife".my dad doesn't treat my mom mom is very humble.kind,loving,sincere in all her duties towards her husband( dad)my dad suspects frequently on her.i knowthat suspection is a very big father knowng ly does it,when my mom has got no knowled.. More

  • Her mother wants her to marry only a doctor

    assalamualikum i am 24 years old ,i feel this is the right age for me to get marry but my parents do not show any interest in my marriege , so i am looking proposals for my self .my mother is a pateint of schezophenia (a kind of mental disorder) she says ,she will show interest only if i marry any doctor and she is not responsible if i marry any other.. More

  • The ruling of obeying one's mother, watching TV and residing abroad

    Alsalam ALaiakaum My first Question is :What if my mom does some Haram things, Like ask us to lie about small things to my dad or say shes sleepin wen shes really not ( if someone called her) or something? Should i listen to her? because she feels bad when i correct her. And my second Question is: Im Born and raised in America, And currently Im.. More

  • Her parents are going to divorce and she will have to reside with one of them

    i m 26 years old unmarried, i m pakistani we r 3 brothers and one parents r going to divorce,my mother has constructed her house and she will shift there soon . my father is doctor ,in case of separation of my parents with which i shold live ?with father or mother? i love both of them equally and it is very dificult 4 me to decide .in islam.. More

  • Wants to marry a girl but his parents want him to marry another one

    bismillahurrahamannirraheem.Iwant tonow whatsthecorrect parents wantsto marry a girlthat they gave words to my fathers elderbrother that to when i was small.but 1yearbefore Igot engagement by the force my parents.before the engagement I inform them that If want to marry a girl.I will marry that who I Love by Islamic protected way I love her... More

  • Her mother is so involved in her life with her husband

    salam alaikom my problem is that i used to consult with my mother over problems i had with my husband, like him smoking when he was angry with me, him not wanting to stay in any job and always wanting to change jobs, so that i might take her advice. but lately, i got quite uneasy with the way she was talking about him. she's always saying things like,.. More

  • Her father does not want her to marry a married man

    Assalamou alaykoum, I am a muslim woman al hamdoulilah and recently I met a brother from the US who is already married twice. He wants me to be his third wife. That brother is a very good person and he is a a good muslim. I spoke many times with his second wife and al hamdoulilah, we get along very well. I really love this brother for the sake of Allah.. More

  • His parents want him to travel with them but his wife refuses

    My mother, father and 16 yr old sister are travelling to UK for my elder sister's nikaah. My father and mother have expressed their wish that I accompany them (they are travelling after several years) and are both above 50. however, my wife say i should stay with her instead of accompanying them because she thinks they can manage to travel by the themselves... More

  • Her in-laws forbid her from visiting her non-Muslim parents

    dear brother in islam asalam-u-alikum I am converted muslim girl.My age is34 years.I am Ma .Bed. I marrey with a muslim guy before one year.I want to meet my parents,but my father in law ,mother in law sister in law, brother in law etc do not allow me for the same. now i request your good self that please awear me in light of glourious quran and hadies.. More

  • Her parents are forcing her to take off Hijab

    Hello, my name is Nora and im 15 years old. I have a question about my hijab, I want to wear it but my mother and father do not like it at all and are forcing me to take it off. What should I do? When I told my mother that I would get punished on the Day of Judgement she told me that she will take that responsibility and I wouldnt get in trouble because.. More

  • Obeying parents takes precedence over marrying a certain man

    salaam, my sister was working with a boy who is pakistani and we are indian and they fell in love to extreme and when parents came to know about it they were very angry they say there will be lot of problems regarding the two countries becoz in india, pakistani are like terrorist and when the govt come to know that they will put our family in trouble.. More

  • Daughter's duty toward her mother who neglected her during childhood

    who has the main importance in islam the one who has given the birth or the one who has adopted and has guided 4rm the age of 5 months till the age of 18 yrs the mother has no interference in her life.. More