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Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah, I go to a college in a non muslim country where the washrooms are unisex meaning boys and girls (who are non-muslim) use the same washroom. i cannot make wudu in their because while doing wudu I obviously have to wash my awrah e.g. arms etc. and we all know women can't show their awrah to non-muslim women and non-mahram.. More
Does seeing pornographic content itself break wudu?Just seeing pornographic content, not masturbating to it or anything.
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If after performing wudhu one has to eat should he wash his hands again or not
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ASALAM U ALAIKUMMy 8yr old child cheats while performing wudhu then lies when gets caught many times he has been punished for this but continues to do this i dont know what to do if we stand and watcg him he will do everything perfectly but if no1 is watching he will miss ablution out snd throw water around the washroom to make it look convincing that.. More
Salam.what is rule of using silicone on hairjQuery1110023508928232744408_1626415167322id i used any silicone based products and make wudu will be it valid?
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My hair was full of dandruff, one day, I tried to eliminate it (maybe I did that for water reaching my skin the next time I did gusl). My mother told me that I had some scratches and dried blood. I looked myself and I am not sure if it is really blood (I think it is the usual pimples that appear in scratches or/and the redness of the skin) and I am.. More
Does lifting the pant upto the thighs knowingly will break my waju?
Shall we start our namaz half an hour before the aazaan also?
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As Salamu Alaykum! I have a question regarding validity of prayer, I woke up for fajr and took off a band aid from the previous night, some remains of glue had stayed which in wudu I washed off and after wudu I was certain I had gotten removed off it but the issue lies that after salah i seen dried up remains that have dried up AFTER the wudu, this.. More
Asalamo aleikoum scholars. If a person uses hairspray to fix his beard, does he have to clean it before doing wudu? I don't know if hairsorays are considered to be a prevention for the water reashing the hair of the face. Notice I'm talking about the part of the beard that must be wiped (which is the beard that is in the face area) and not the beard.. More
Assalamu alaikum,dear brother,Does wudu break on touching of ones private parts. What are the private parts limited to.Jazakallah
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Does wudu break if your boxer shorts enter your anus without collecting impurity?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Please, we have a toilet in our rooms; does entering the toilet break our ablution even without doing anything? For example, if I want to take something or put something in the toilet and I have ablution, does it break it? And can we perform ablution in the toilet by saying Bismillaah (in the name of Allah) in our mind? May Allah.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I wanted to ask, does swallowing water (or swallowing a little bit by accident) when rinsing the mouth during Ghusl (ritual bath) or ablution mean that you have to repeat the rinsing again?
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If a person who has ablution tries to urinate, pass gas, or pass stool yet nothing exits from their body, is their ablution still valid?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I was once performing ablution, and when I blew my nose, I felt something coming out of my private part, and when I checked, I found a small drop of wetness. I was certain that it was not pre-seminal fluid, but at the time, I thought that it was sweat, since I had been playing sports earlier. I went ahead and lead the prayer whilst.. More
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