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136 fatwas

  • What is permissible for a menstruating woman after purity and before Ghusl

    What are the three things that a menstruating woman can do after cessation of blood and before making Ghusl (shower taken in case of major impurity)? .. More

  • Suffering an irregular menstrual cycle

    Is there any way in Islam to regulate periods. I have very disordered periods sometimes it comes and sometime they not. Due to which I have difficulty in getting pregnant. I have been trying much but no way out. Please help.. . I shall be thankful for ur support .. More

  • Menstruating woman should leave prayer only out of obedience

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I want to ask about the ruling on a woman, who, although she likes praying, feels some feeling of relief when she gets her period or that she can relax more, because she does not have to worry about oversleeping at the time of the prayer or planning her daily routine around the times of the prayers or waking up at a particular time... More

  • Menses does not exceed fifteen days

    After pregnancy I got like a little pocket in the uthero. Every time I have hard fuel of blood during menses, some blood fall down in this pocket and come out by 3-4 days by the end of menses. What Should I do, get ghusl after the menses and stop praing if the blood in the pocket come out and remake ghusl after that. Or wait still at stilla 7-10 days.. More

  • Menstruation is not a shame in Islam

    Menstruation has become a stigma in our society, I wanted to know if it is a cultural aspect or does Islam prohibit the mentioning of menstruation. For example, girls and women have to hide their sanitary napkins and bring them in to their rooms when no one is watching, they have to pretend they are fasting in their homes while they are menstruating.. More

  • She doubts that she made Ghusl the right time after menstruation

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I was brought up by non-Muslim parents so I never learned how to check the end of my menstrual period. When I reverted to Islam I learned that it is necessary to do ghusl before praying after the end of the period but I used to think that the period ended when you didn't see any more blood coming out onto the sanitary towel. One.. More

  • She suspects that she fasted during menstruation

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I used to have a problem determining the end of my period because I didn't have a white discharge or complete dryness. I used to have a discharge more or less all the time between periods. I used to calculate the end according to a method I had seen in a fatwa based on having 15 days purity between every period and distinguishing.. More

  • Menstruating women and witnessing the night of Al-Qadr

    In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful What should a woman do if she cannot observe worship in the Night of Al-Qadr because she has an excuse justified by Sharee‘ah? Will she miss the reward? If she will, then is she permitted to take pills for delaying menstruation?.. More

  • Blood that flows from a woman is menses unless proved otherwise

    I am a suckling mother who gave birth to a child four months ago. Two days ago, I experienced a flow of blood although I usually have menses nine months after giving birth. Is this menses or not? Please advise. May Allaah Reward you... More

  • Fourteen menstruation-related rulings

    I heard that there are fifteen religious rulings related to menstruation. What are these rulings? .. More

  • Performing Ghusl before seeing a sign of purification

    I made Ghusl from menses and started performing prayer as I thought that the white discharge had appeared. However, I examined myself later and discovered that I was wrong and that the white discharge had not appeared yet. Should I stop praying, wait until it appears again, and then make Ghusl? .. More

  • The signs that menstruation has stopped

    Assalam aleikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh 1)For years i haven't been able to find out what is the color of tahara after menses? I read that it is white although i also read that silkworm/egg yolk color is still menstruation. Do we have to wait for a pure white/ transparent color or is very light yellow tahara also? When do we start ghusl and prayer?.. More

  • She gets mini periods after hysterectomy

    Aoa, my name is Sadia Erfan and Im from UK. I had A surgery called " Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy ( of uterus )". I had a prolapsed uterus since my first daughter was born 13 years ago. So uterus was taken out and the neck of the uterus was repaired via "Sacrocolpopexy". At the time of the surgery doctors told me my periods would stop. But after.. More

  • His wife's bleeding resumed after he had intercourse with her

    Assalamu Alaikkum, My wife had bleeding(its like menustration) very earlier than (14 days) her period time and after two days its stopped and she did bath same day evening we had intercourse night but unfortunately bleeding started next day now we are worrying is it sin we did sex with out waiting more days ? if its sin what is the compensation for.. More

  • Temporary cessation of blood within menses is not purity

    Assalmualicum, I got my menses at least 8 days prior to my regular schedule. 2-3 days before the period, I saw some red stuff with the toilet paper while wiping off after using the bathroom but nothing on my clothes. I thought this must not be the period since my period is pretty regular. I also continued praying and also had relationship with my husband,.. More