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33 fatwas

  • Her mother wants her to travel abroad to study but she prefers to study online

    Alsalam Alaikaum Wr Wb Im an american Egyptian girl Currently moved to Egypt with my family. AFter finishing high school i decided i wanted to become a teacher, Its really my dream, I wanna be an islamic studies teacher, My parents have no Problem alhamduduallah, but one Problem is i cant travel to The states with out a mahram and there isnt any colleges.. More

  • Getting a master’s degree at an all-girl college in English literature

    Is it halal for a muslim women to do masters at home in English Literature. Privately meaning studing by herself and only going to college (all girls) to write exmas. There is no mixing of men. and she will get a masters so she can teach her own kids at home then... More

  • A man teaching Quran classes to a group of ladies

    Write your answer to my question No.292106; may Allaah Almighty bestow His boundless rewards on you. Following to your valued answer, I request you to clarify following: Is it permissible for the young Aalim to conduct classes to a group of ladies - not a single woman - without any veil? Does the condition 'a group of ladies' validate the.. More

  • Wants to be 'Aa'lima

    I sent an e-mail earlier on saying that I want to go to Daar Al-Uloom in Lancaster but I had forgotten to tell you that it is a boarding school Daar Al-Uloom where you stay over for 6 years, so basically I am going to become an alima, Inshaa Allaah, and I am going to learn a lot about Islaam and there are people who are telling me that I.. More

  • Wants to attend Arabic class with men

    I live in the UK and have learnt Arabic to a level that I can understand most of the Qur'aan, but not all. I know quite a bit Arabic, but I am not fluent. There are no courses available that offer Arabic at my level. I want to be fluent at it and be able to read Islaamic books in Arabic, so I can go straight to the source. There is only.. More

  • Opportunities for women to learn the religion

    Why is it difficult for women to study their own Deen, in a Muslim country and its easy for brothers? I mean it should easy for every Muslim, so that people could have a knowledge about their religion... More

  • Schools that do not teach religion

    I have a question about Muslim schools in a community. In the community where I live there is a mosque/school. But the teachers aren't very educated on what Islam is about. I went last year in the summer to get help in reading the Holy Qur'an. They didn't know how to teach me. So should I still go to that school even though they don't know how to teach.. More

  • Ruling on educating girls

    Is educating a girl child permitted in Islam? If so, then what are the rules?.. More

  • Muslimah living alone in Canada studying for Ph.D.

    I'm living alone for one month in Canada preparing for my Ph.D. and I'm waiting for my husband and my children to come within 2 months. What is the opinion of the religion of being alone? .. More

  • Female being taught by a male

    I am a female who is taught by a male teacher, is this alright in the Deen of Islam?.. More

  • Girl Studying Abroad Without Her Family

    What is the Hukm for the girl who is studying outside her country without any of her family with her? Is it allowed for study she couldn't do in her country but abroad? Is it Halal? .. More

  • Girl attending school in first years

    I live in Egypt and have a daughter about to go to school. My question is does she have to go from the first years to a girls-only school. Please note that the vast majority of Islamic schools are mixed for primary years (until the age of 11-12) and then separated afterwards. I know that it is preferable but the options are already very limited... More

  • Wife wants to study

    What is the Islamic ruling if a woman wants to go out and study for her own growth and development (which in turn will no doubt make her a good mother and wife) but the husband doesn't want her to due to the Hadith that says women should stay in their homes and not come out unless very necessary... More

  • Studying Islam by mail

    I am lady living in Canada and I want to take the pure Sunnah; so I decided to join American Open University to study Islam since and I know that they are close to Sunnah. My question is this way (studying by mailing) the right way or is this (Bidah) not Sunnah?.. More

  • Removing young daughter from mixed school

    I recently removed my two young daughters from a mixed school they were attending and even my own family members opposed me by saying that the local Shaikhs have their daughters in school as opposed to my stand. I am trying to teach them at home because here in Kenya where I stay there are no school for girls only. Have I done the right thing? I'm trying.. More