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Her Ismaili father wants her to marry an Ismaili man


As Salamu Alaikum.I'm a 23 year old ex-ismaili who is now a revert Sunni Muslim for about an year. However, my parents engaged me to an ismaili man before i reverted and now they want to marry me off to him. I have tried to convince them a couple of times but they emotionally blackmail me saying that their reputation is at stake and can't call off my engagement. My parents are still ismailis.I love my Allah and my mazhab a lot, and I dont want to go back to life of an Aga Khani. My fiance does shirk and doesn't offers Salah or fasts. I don't want to hurt my parents but I know marrying this man would mean that my children would be Ismailis too. After talking to my fiance a couple of times I realized he is a devot ismaili and trying to talk him out of ismailism is almost impossible. My Sunni friends suggested that for the sake of my deen, I should run off and don't go back home until my parents agree. All my attempts of talking to my parents and convincing them has failed. Is it allowed to go against your parents if they are forcing you to marry a non-muslim? They made me quit my studies too. My wedding is supposedly in December this year and I'm in desperate need of a wise, islamic advice from a scholar. I pray to Allah for guidance all the time, I don't want to marry an Ismaili. How far can I go if chosen to chose between my deen and my parents? My fiance has tried to brainwash me regarding ismaili sect and at the same time said that he'll think about converting if convinced. What should I do? Please help!


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.

If your fiancé is from the sect that you mentioned in the question, then it is unlawful for you to marry him; for more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 82794.

Moreover, you are not permitted to obey your parents about that in any case; obedience is required only in what is permissible as confirmed in a Hadeeth reported by Al-Bukhari  may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him.

Besides, if your father believes in the same creed of that sect, then he can not be your legal guardian; for more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 84942.

However, you may try to convince your parents not to marry you off to that man, and if they insist, and you are exposed to be forced to marry him and be are vulnerable to temptation, then you should take the matter to an Islamic court in your country, if any, so that it will take injustice off you and prevent you from marrying that man.

If there are no Islamic courts, you may do what is in your ability, like going to a place where you will feel safe and achieve your goal. In this regard, you should seek the help of your trustworthy Muslim sisters and we ask Allaah to make for you a way out of your difficulty and sorrow.

Allaah Knows best.

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