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280 fatwas

  • Miscalculating end of time of ‘Ishaa’ prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. Out of ignorance, I have always miscalculated the end of the ‘Ishaa’ time as the middle point between the ‘Ishaa’ and the Fajr prayers, and not that of the Maghrib and Fajr prayers, and I possibly may have prayed many times when the time of ‘Ishaa’ was already over. Are my prayers valid, or do I have to repeat them? It.. More

  • Praying in clothes stained with roadside drain water

    Assalaamu alaykum. In our country, roadside drain water usually comes from kitchens and bathrooms. Sometimes people also urinate in the drain. Because of dirt, garbage, etc., the color of drain water turns black, and is also has a bad odor. Is this water considered impure? I mean, if some drops of this drain water get on one's clothes, will their prayer.. More

  • Ending time of ‘Ishaa’ prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykhs. I heard that there is a difference of opinion among the scholars regarding the ending time of the ‘Ishaa’ prayer, but I did not know what the right or most correct opinion on this is (which is till midnight and not till dawn), and Allah knows best. I read it a few days ago, and I want to.. More

  • Eating insect by mistake before performing prayer

    Assalaam alaykum. I accidentally ate an insect. I am not sure whether it was a mosquito, a roach, or any other bug. I spit out as much as I could, casually drank some water, and prayed the Ishaa' later on with the ablution that I had before eating it. Was I suppose to rinse my mouth a certain amount of times before praying? Was my prayer void? .. More

  • Time of obligatory prayers according to Maaliki school

    Assalamu alaykum. How authentic is the Maaliki view that the time for the Thuhr prayer extends to sunset and the time for the Maghrib and Isha' prayers extends to dawn? May Allaah reward you. Wassalaamu alaykum. .. More

  • Performing many prayers with invalid ablution

    All these years, when I performed ablution, I used to first make the intention and say Bismillaah (in the name of Allaah) in my mind as we used to perform ablution in a bathroom with toilet facilities. Then I would wash my hands thrice, and then my mouth three times, then I would rinse my nose three times separately, then I would wash my arms thrice.. More

  • Praying ‘Asr when shadow of object is twice its height

    Do you know of any scholar who said that the ‘Asr prayer that is prayed after the shadow of an object becomes twice the height of the object (the time when Hanafis pray ‘Asr) will be completely invalid and unacceptable? .. More

  • Praying with a shirt that reveals the shoulder

    What are the limits of the ‘awrah (what should be covered of the body) during the prayer? Is it permissible to pray in a basketball shirt that partially reveals the shoulder? May Allah bless you. .. More

  • Why the Imam of Al-Masjid Al-Haram stands opposite to the door of Al-Ka‘bah

    I noticed that the Imam who leads the Muslims in prayer in Makkah prays toward one direction only, which is that opposite to the door of the honorable Ka‘bah. Why does he not pray towards the other three directions of the Ka‘bah, since, as I know, it is valid to pray towards all four directions? .. More

  • Praying 'Asr after shadow of object becomes twice its height

    Assalaamu alaykum. Do you know of any scholar who has said that praying the ‘Asr after the length of an object's shadow becomes twice the height of the object will not be accepted (it is as good as not praying at all)? .. More

  • Small part of woman's legs or arms revealed in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. If I wear loose pants during the prayer, then the leg holes at the bottom are loose as well, so when I prostrate, if someone stands behind me and lies down and puts their face close to the floor, then they might be able to see a little bit of my leg by looking inside the leg holes, would that invalidate my prayer? Similarly, when.. More

  • Catching time of prayer with one Rak'ah

    Our honourable scholars, assalaamu alaykum, my question is about this hadith: Whoever catches a Rak'ah (unit of prayer) of a prayer before its time has expired has caught the entire prayer in its time. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,said, "Whoever catches one Rak'ah of the prayer has caught the prayer.".. More

  • View of Maaliki school on impurity in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. When does the domino affect of wet impurity end? Otherwise everything can become impure! If you have a lot of problems with impurities, can you follow Maalik, who I believe said that impurity does not make the prayer invalid? If you did follow him in that, would you have to follow all Maalik's rulings related to the prayer. .. More

  • Determining sunset in mountainous area

    The time of Maghrib starts when the sun has completely set. This means that when the disk of the sun goes below the horizon, then the time for Maghrib starts. However, if a person lives in a very hilly area and tries to look at the sun with his eyes to determine when it sets, it will appear to set earlier behind the hills. A note on this can be found.. More

  • Starting congregational Fajr prayer 25 minutes before sunrise

    I read on your website that one should pray the Fajr prayer individually if the congregation at the masjid starts only 10 minutes before sunrise. What if the congregation starts about 25 min before sunrise? Is this also a significant delay (due to which one should pray individually)? .. More