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905 fatwas

  • Buying compulsory car insurance by monthly installments

    Assalaamu alaykum. In Britain, it is compulsory to buy car insurance in order to legally drive. There are two options for payment: For example: 1. £1000 for one annual payment 2. £110 per month if a person wishes to pay in installments. This adds up to £1320. In the sharia, is the second option considered interest? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Using private car as taxi

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I will go straight to the point. At present, I am working abroad, and I recently bought a car and now want to earn extra so that is why I try to work as a private taxi with low charges compared to a real taxi. I try to serve people. My question is: is this income halal? If not, I have already earned.. More

  • Working at Catholic school

    Asalaamu alaykum. I was offered a job as a kitching assistant, but it is at a Catholic primary school where they might tell me to serve things like pork or clean dishes. The uniform is a long shirt and trousers, but they allow to cover the head. Is this a permissible job? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Secret assessment of employees' performance in a traffic company

    Assalaamu alaykum. There is a traffic company that is offering a job that is a part of an improvement project. They are offering extra jobs as a "mystery passenger" where your job is to check up on the quality of the staff and the enviroment of the company by asking questions to the staff and do observations. What I have understood is that your are.. More

  • Avoiding paying taxes on bank deposits

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have some money which I kept in a Islamic Bank. The Bank gives me profits. Here, I do not find any service from the government, but the government taxes it. Am I bound to pay it? Of course, if I do not want to pay it, then I am to submit a statement concealing my income or showing the income on someone - who is actually not owner.. More

  • Working in store that sells Israeli products

    I asked you the following question, but you referred me to other fatwas that I did not understand. I also have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Please answer me with yes or no. May Allaah reward you. my Question is: Assalamu alaykum. I work in a store that sells beds, home stuff, and furniture as a stocker and sales associate. The store does.. More

  • Working in hospitals and schools where there is mixing

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a person works in a hospital in the West and has to registrate, book, and receive bookings from people. Is it permissble to do that if it involves free mixing between men and women? For example, if a woman is booking an appoinment with a male doctor and vice versa, will the receptionist be sinful or contributing or helping in a.. More

  • Buying shares in new company through lottery process

    Assalaamu alaykum. In Bangladesh, when a new company comes into the stock market, it is entered by IPO. This process is a lottery system. Here, however, if you do not win the lottery, they give your money back. Nevertheless, their system is a lottery process. And if you win the lottery, they always give you more then original amount. So my question.. More

  • A male doctor treating female patients without necessity

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please answer this question because the answers that I was given are not accurate for my situation. I want to know whether I can become a physician working in an emergency department or urgent care center? I am male. In these fields, I am randomly assigned patients, female or male, even if there is a female physician present. Also,.. More

  • Mandatory car insurance

    In my country, India, car insurance in mandatory. My question is: can we choose among the various insurance policies? There is basic, premium, comprehensive, zero depreciation, bumper to bumper, and many more policies and coverages. Can I choose among them? Or should I go with the basic policy? Basic policy has the lowest coverage, while bumper to bumper.. More

  • Electronic dealing with computers operated by pirated programs

    Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to ask you about thoughts that I am having all the time, and they are related to almost everything. For example, in my company, I think there are people who use pirated operative systems, so if it is a sin to use those; I use licensed software, but everytime they send me an email or anything else, I start thinking that.. More

  • Using magic to get job

    If a person asks someone to do magic for him to get a job at a halal place, will the money that he earns be halal? My opinion is that the person is guilty of a sin by having asked someone to do magic but given that he works at a halal place and works hard to earn money, is the money halal or haram? Also, if he includes that he wants his salary to be.. More

  • Working in interest-based company to gain experience for working in Islamic banks

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is regarding employment in the financial sector. I have a background in finance and am curently working for a financial data provider. Allaah willing, I want to work in Islamic banking in the near future. However, most Islamic banking jobs require experience now, especially in the banking sector. My specialization is risk.. More

  • Working in a company that partially deals in interest

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have send a question earlier about invoices, and you referred me to a similair question, and your answer to that question was that it is permissble for that person to use payment merchants that accept invoicesto be able to accept money online, even if it may result in interest (when setting up a company) because the transaction.. More

  • Working as ethical hacker for interest-based banks

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Respected Shaykh, I wanted to clarify that my fiancé is a certified ethical hacker and that he works for Aujas Network ( , as an associate consultant. His work is to overcome security issues for big companies or banks through ethical hacking... More