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905 fatwas

  • Violating optical insurance terms

    Assalaamu alaykum.1- My company gives me optical insurance of QAR 3,000/- annually. Can I use this for another person if the optical shop agree, or could I buy something for myself and then give that to another person? 2- Optical insurance covers only lenses and frames, not sunglasses. There is one optical shop that gives sunglasses on the insurance.. More

  • Buying shares and selling them on same day

    I trade in the stock market. I follow the sharia rules in choosing companies while buying stocks. I have read on your website or somewhere else that buying and selling in the same day (intraday trading) is similar to gambling and is thus prohibited as there is a common fact that one cannot sell what he does not possess. The exchange delivers the stocks.. More

  • Earnings of a physician from health insurance

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am posting this question on behalf of one my brothers who is a doctor. As you know, the whole private system of healthcare runs on the basis of insurance. However, only sharia-based insurance is allowable. I want to know the ruling on my earning because its source is insurance. Also, what about taking insurance benefits for treatment.. More

  • Working in IT company that provides a search engine

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I work for a big IT company (like Google). One of the main goals of this company is to provide good web-searches for users. However, a lot of internet-users are looking for pornography, so in some indirect sense, if we are improving web-searches in general, then we are helping some people to better.. More

  • Delaying work duties deliberately to get overtime pay for them

    Assalaam alaykum dear scholars. I have a question about my father's occupation. He works as an accountant in a petroleum company. He completes his job everyday except for some work that can be delayed, such as filing. He leaves the filing to do it on saturday, which is extra hours, not official work hours, in order to get overtime money. For the company,.. More

  • How to dispose of money if its rightful owner cannot be reached

    Hello, I used to be a crypto currency trader trading a currency known as bitcoin, to trade bitcoins you need to use an exchange market. The exchange market I used was called Mintpal. This exchange had problems and shut down because the owner took people's money and disappeared. Before the crash, they gave users a week to withdraw their bitcoins from.. More

  • Accepting a job in other than one's specialization

    I have recently graduated from college with a criminal justice degree in the United States. I have been called for an interview for a teaching job at a high school. Is this job halal for me to work in if I get hired? .. More

  • Exerting extra effort at work is rewardable

    Assalaam alaykum. I have a question about working for large corporations. I work as a shelf stocker for a large american corp, and this is one of those corporations that I believe ship jobs overseas to impoverished countries and pay them lousy wages. Is working for a company like this haram? Also, I like to go above and beyond in my job by, for example,doing.. More

  • Liability for causing damage unknowingly

    Assalaamu alaykum. Party A rented a room from a landlord. Party B was allowed to stay in the room by party A without any stated/signed terms. The landlord agreed. Party B was completely ignorant regarding the terms that Party A and the landlord agreed upon. Party A went overseas before the tenancy expired and entrusted Party B to vacate the room. The.. More

  • Receiving pension for work that included selling wine

    I used to work in the duty free shop and used to sell wine for some years, then they stopped selling wine, and I worked for like six years after that. Then I retired, I now receive retirement pension; is it halal or not? .. More

  • Developing software that may involve a usurious contract

    Assalaamu alaykum. I work as a software engineer in a company and am responsible for maintaining the online-shop. We offer a variety of payment methods, including instalment financing over banks. We are not making a contract, my job was to put a button in the payment methods area that directs the customer to the contract and also transfers personal.. More

  • Investing one's money in primary shares in the name of different people

    1) I have some investment in a share market. The present capital is worth tK. 1.5 Million (approx). I do not buy bank, leasing, or insurance companyshares, but I once did apply on primary shares (initial public offering) of a bank, insurance & leasing company. I do not know whether any amount derived from selling such shares has been included with.. More

  • Trading with bonus money from Forex broker

    Assalaamu alaykum Shaykh. A forex broker gives a 100%, 50%, and 20% bonus every time I deposit into my forex account. The percentages vary according to the promotion time. These bonuses are only given to me for trading but I cannot withdraw these bonuses that are given. Is it permissible for me to trade with this bonus money? If it is not, I could ask.. More

  • He bought a game and then found out that it was pirated

    I recently bought a game from a person for a cheap price, afterwards I learned that he got it through an illegal way and that the company did not take any money on it. So it is haram or pirated, so can I play it until it gets cheaper legally and I can buy it? Or what should I do? And also please answer my question clearly and do not go to side topics. .. More

  • Violating copyrights of material that contains prohibited things

    What should a person do if he broke the copyright laws but those copyrighted materials had haram things in it, for example books describing love and games containing music (although the user was unaware of the fact that music was haram, and it might have been possible to mute the music; most importantly, the user did not even care about the status of.. More