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598 fatwas

  • Not getting tested for a probable smoking-related disease

    AssalamuAlaikum question is that i see many people smoke eating tobacco and some people have a doubt about a certain disease yet they dont get tested for it if such people die due to cancer or any ither deadly disease is it like suicide as they are risking upon their life is there a sin involved? .. More

  • Children expiating for their mother's abortion on her behalf

    A Muslim woman died and she had aborted a child for she did not like to have more children, May Allaah Forgive her. Is there any expiation for her to be made by her children on her behalf, given that during her lifetime, she had the intention to make expiation, but was ignorant of how to do it? .. More

  • Ruling on extracting platinum screws from the body of the deceased to make use of them

    What is the ruling on one who dies and in his body are expensive platinum screws? Is it permissible to extract these screws after his death? What is the ruling on him who takes such from the deceased in the grave when burying him? Is it permissible to restore them to his family or give them in charity?.. More

  • A question that reflects obsessive whispers regarding impurity

    If you blow your nose and there is a little blood in the snot does touching your nose (that nay have snot on it) in some way make that part impure even though there is not visual appearance of blood? Also, I asked a question before regarding an impurity due to touching a spot that has pus in it. You said it was waswas but you have also implied to me.. More

  • Ruling on exhuming graves for autopsies

    Is it permissible to exhume the bones of the deceased for science and research?.. More

  • A doctor must not contribute to abortion without a Sharee‘ah-Approved justification

    My sister is a gynecologist. Recently she did an abortion for a woman upon her request. It was her first time to do such an operation. However, she regretted and repented from doing so. Is this sufficient? What should she do? The fetus was four weeks old, and she got rid of the fee for the operation. May Allaah Reward you. .. More

  • Repentance, blood money and expiation upon whoever participates in abortion

    As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum Honorable Shaykh, my wife was pregnant in the fifth month. Medical examinations proved that the embryo was deformed, that his kidneys did not function and that his body included an inflated water sac. Physicians advised me to abort the embryo, which I actually did. What is the Sharee'ah ruling concerning that? Do I have to do.. More

  • Sharee'ah does not discriminate against people with vitiligo

    Assalamualikam! In this website I read that there is no Quranic punishment for vitiligo and in another website I read a different one. Here is that website: Please help us know whether should we believe what this other website has said or not? I myself cannot believe this because.. More

  • Smoking is prohibited but not like drinking alcohol in sin

    Assalamualaikum If we consider smoking as khamr then does the hadeeth of prayer not accepted for 40 days applies to a smoker too. There is also the hadeeth of a person who drinks wine and then repents 3 times after which,if he drinks again, Allah won't accept his repentance.So this hadeeth also applies to a person who consumes khamr(smokes cigarette)i.e.. More

  • Using medicine that contains alcohol

    Assalamualaikum. I have a 5 year old son who likes to bite his nails until they bleed. I recently bought a Nail Bite Deterrent but realised it has alcohol content. The application is pretty much like applying nail polish. Is this ok for me to use on my young son - it being like a nail polish and having alcohol content? Please advise. JazakAllah .. More

  • Using donkey milk for medicinal purposes

    Dear Scholar, Assalamualaikum, I am concerned with frequent cough and congestion to my youngest daughter who didn't even complete 1 year. I have heard, donkey's milk is good cure as it has many medicinal properties that will cure congestion. My question is, is it Halal to serve DONKEY'S MILK? Jazakallah .. More

  • Ruling on abortion of a deformed fetus

    Asalamalykum , on 11 august 2013 my sister aborted 5month twin pregnancy,both the fetus was in one placenta. fetus 1(female) was having omphalocele (liver & stomach herniation noted trough large anterior abdominal wall defect.fetus 2(male)having problem in both the kidneys.fetus 1 growth was becoming slower day by day ,doctor told that fetus 1 growth.. More

  • Seek the help of Allaah to calm your fears

    Assalamoalekum sheikhs I am a man of age 42. Over the years I have become mentally very weak due to psychological reason . I have a family to feed and my wife and children are dependent on me. Alhamdolillah Allah has given me every thing but still I am always in a state of fear. I am so weak that I cant take my rights from others. Even if I have lended.. More

  • She says someone called Al-Faarooq visits her heart to teach her Quran

    Hi I have a friend who is 19 years of age she is VERY religious and inshallah will have memorized the whole Quran by the end of this year Inshallah. She told me about some "man" called the farooq (الفاروق) that comes to her not by image or by voice but by heart? As in I can't hear him if he talks she can only hear him in her heart and she said.. More

  • A case of obsessive whispers about purification

    My question is ragading purity as i am very concious about purity.There are certain things which i note from Day to Day affairs , pls aclarify them. If blood comes from someone mouth , how many times he has to wash his mouth to purify it.If blood comes and someone is not able to purify it and after some time pure saliva comes out does it means that.. More