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2836 fatwas

  • No proof that jinn enter houses through impurity attached to shoes

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it superstitious to think that jinn might follow whatever impurity has attached to the shoes and that carrying it into the house might bring them into the house as well? Is there any ruling that says that it is better to leave shoes outside of the house? I look forward to your response, and may Allah reward you. .. More

  • Whether Allah Almighty has shadow

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Does Allah have a shadow? Is there a contradiction between the fatwa of Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen and that of Shaykh Ibn Baaz, may Allah have mercy upon them? I have read a fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Baaz wherein he said, "Yes, as is reported in this narration and in some transmissions, 'in the shadow of His.. More

  • How reckoning will take place on Day of Judgment

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have heard that we will be asked to account for the blessings we are given. What is meant by that? How will it be done? If Allah asks every muslim about His blessings, it will take a long long time. And the Prophet, sallallahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,used to supplicate: "O Allah, grant me an easy reckoning." What is meant by this?.. More

  • Excuse of ignorance about Kufr

    I understand that there is the excuse of ignorance for one who claims Islam concerning Shirk (polytheism) and Kufr (disbelief), so would that be the case about one who says Laa Ilaaha illAllah (there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah) and grew up being taught that Jesus is the son of God or one who says Laa Ilaaha illAllah and believes in another.. More

  • Marriage of man who says to wife ‘You are Allah’

    I am very embarrassed about this, but I need help. I married my wife last year, and at the beginning of this year, a few things happened, and I do not know what to do: 1. In January, I said some really bad things,which may amount to Kufr (disbelief), to my wife, I basically said that, for me, she is Allah, and I prostrated to her. Did this break.. More

  • Saying ‘Allah did this’ to justify all actions

    Assalaamu alaykum. I was told by a caller to Allah and the assistant of a Shaykh that one should not always say, "Allah did this." May I ask why one should not say this? I do not see anything wrong regarding that when something occurred with an individual or one's self. Is there something wrong with saying that, "Allah decreed that I should have this,".. More

  • Saying "In Shaa' Allah" is etiquette of Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it incorrect to think negatively of the word "In Shaa' Allah" (Allah willing) when something does not happen? I so far have seen that when I say "In Shaa' Allah" to do something, in the end, I do not do it. A very few times, when I say it, it does actually take place. When I do not say it, it sometimes does happen. Please shred.. More

  • Referring to Allah as our best friend/closest companion

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it correct to refer to Allah as our best friend/closest companion? .. More

  • Treating objects affected by evil eye

    Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know whether the evil eye can also afflict material things such as cars and houses? If so, then how can we cure the item that has been inflicted? Is it the same as if a human was afflicted, where we have to get the water from the one who gave the evil eye and pour it over the item, or do we just recite Ruqyah (healing.. More

  • Allah's Attributes are as high as His Superiority and Exaltedness

    Is my understanding correct; that Allah's superiority and exaltedness are higher than that of his Attributes? .. More

  • Disbeliever who curses Creator

    What do the four schools say about a disbeliever who is so sick and depraved that he dares to curse his Creator, Allah? Also, what do they say about a disbeliever who curses our Prophet, sallallahu ʻalayhi wa sallam? .. More

  • Scholar prostrates before Sufi Shaykh and then conducts marriage contracts

    There are scholars who prostrate to their shaykh, and then they perform people's marriages and read the sermon of the marriage. Is their involment haram or halal in people's marriages given that they perform Shirk (polytheism) and then do so? Are those marriages halal or haram? Please advise. .. More

  • Praising Allah for what He bestowed upon both believers and disbelievers

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs. "Praise be to Allah, Who has provided us with food and with drink, has sufficed us and given us an abode, for how many are there with no provision and with no home." In this supplication (it is of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,to recite it in Arabic before sleeping),.. More

  • Allah created all things, whether lawful or unlawful

    Is it appropriate to say that Allah has given us all things, including sinful things? Like someone says this movie ticket is given to me by Allah, is this correct? Similarly we say that Allah is the creator of all things. So will it be appropriate to say that Allah is the creator of man made things which are sinful i.e. movies etc? .. More

  • Possibility that devils revert to Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykhs. Is it possible that a devil repents and turns to Islam? Human devils do repent and turn to Islam, so what about jinn devils? May Allah reward you, Shaykhs. .. More