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1012 fatwas

  • A husband behavior with two wives

    In Islam a man is allowed to have 4 wives at the same time, so can a man make nikah with 2 women on same day and in the same nikah ceremony? 2- Can a husband greet both his wives at the same time by kissing them on their cheeks, when both wives are sitting there, and he returns from work or trip?.. More

  • His wife is a Hindu

    I am very successful man as I am a young doctor living in London. I have everything that anybody could want and all praise is to God that He has showered so many blessings on me. Sadly, I have not been a faithful servant to God, I have a very beautiful wife and have a child who is aged 5 and daughter aged 3, but this woman to whom I am married.. More

  • His first wife and family will not accept polygyny

    Assalamu Alaikum I trust this email finds you in the best of Emaan and health. I am a married to 2 beautiful pious Muslimahs. I live in a Muslim country while my parents live in a Kuffar country. My parents have been against polygyny and since the marriage to my 2nd wife 3 years ago have hid this information from my relatives back in their country... More

  • Wants to marry the guy she loves

    I have meet a guy on the chat and he lives in Lebanon and his only 22 years old, I’m only 19 years, and known to him for three years. He asked me to marry him and I said yes, the problem was how can I tell my parents so I told them, but they rejected because they think that he wants you just to use you and come to Melbourne and I said no that’s.. More

  • Marriage to a reformed innovator

    If an innovator who has established a temporary marriage in his past, now declares it to be invalid and respects all the four Caliphs and our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam); is it permissible for a Sunni woman to marry him?.. More

  • Wants to break her engagement

    I want to break my engagement to a Muslim man.I am not very pleased with his religion nor his job. People keep telling me give him a chance, butI don't wont to live on hope that maybe..., Al-Hamdu Lillah, he has a good character, butI don't know how to say, 'no,'I feel guilty.I have prayed the Istikharah and noticed some signs and uncomfortable.. More

  • Can't have children but wants to marry

    Due to a serious medical problem at 18 year old I had to have a Hysterectomy. I have read some where that due to being infertile I am unable to marry. What is the ruling on this?.. More

  • She practices Islam and has made friends with a Christian guy

    My name is Shazia and I have a few questions. I hope you can try and help me. Firstly, I would like to know the meaning of my name. Secondly, I have a question about Hijab. I want to know what is the exact Hijab prescribed for women. Is wearing a Niqab allowed? What is the Sunnah on this matter? Just wearing a scarf is enough or is it.. More

  • Married woman wants to have paper marriage to another man to get residence papers

    There is a woman living here in Denmark, who is married and has 2 children. She is without residence in Denmark; her husband also lives in Denmark. Now she wants to make a marriage agreement with another man on paper to get a residence permit. Can she do that?.. More

  • Christian women marrying Muslim men

    I want to know what Islam says about Christian women. Are Christian women permitted to marry Muslim men if the man is not religious?.. More

  • Her Muslim boyfriend's family wants him to marry his cousin in Africa

    My boyfriend is Muslim. I am not. We live together in Dayton. Now his family in Mali, West Africa says he needs to marry his first cousin who he grew up with. Her husband died 3 years ago. She is older than him. Does he have to marry her to keep faith with his family? I do not accept this and when it happens we will not be together any more even.. More

  • Muslim married to non-Muslim with their child

    I am married to a Canadian girl who is not Muslim. I am trying to get her to convert to Islam but she is not convinced yet. Recently we had a baby boy, and she has no objections that our son is raised as a Muslim, but I am a little bit concerned about the future. Is it ok to stay married to her even if she is not going to be Muslim any time.. More

  • Wants to marry a girl who does not wear hijab

    I am Muslim. I fell in love with a girl in my university. She is very modest and is a good girl. When speaking with men she speaks sedately. She believes in god as well. But my problem is that she is Muslim but does not wear hijab. I don't want to say she is nude; she is modest but her hair have no hijab. Is she an enemy of the God? My mother.. More

  • Wants photo of his female cousin

    I am a Muslim and I want a girl from Germany who is also Muslim. We knew each other in Lebanon. Can she send me her photo? She is a daughter of my uncle... More

  • Husband contacting other women online

    My husband seeks online relationships with different women... More