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1012 fatwas

  • Wants to marry a Hindu girl

    I am loving a Hindu girl. I thought to marry her. But after coming to Qatar, one learned person told me that Islaam did not permit to marry her just by converting her to Islaam. The reason he told for this is her intention to convert to Islaam is to marry you and not because the real message what Islaam say (La Ilaaha Illallaah Muhammad Rasoolullaah)... More

  • Has difficulty finding a wife as a new convert to Islam

    Allah has opened doors of Islaam for me. In order to be a better Muslim I am intending to marry. Since I have nobody to look for a bride for me, I am striving for myself. But I find it very strange to see Muslim's perspective of me. Being a convert they do respect me a lot, but I have seen when it comes to marriage they start to pose questions,.. More

  • Marriage with non-Muslim woman

    In case of marriage between a Muslim man and a non-Muslim woman must the woman convert before or after the marriage has taken place... More

  • Marriage proposal

    I know this guy who is very religious and have a good attitude, but his mom is not a good person and everyone complain about her, his mom is relative to us, but people in our relative don't say good things about her. Do I only look at the person's religion and how good he is or I am I supposed to look at his parents too. Please clarify that for.. More

  • Nice woman but not religious

    I have a question concerning marriage. I have met a woman from Uganda. She is very nice but she doesn't practice Islaam as I want. We talk a lot about praying, she says that she prays when she wants. What shall I do with this woman? I feel that she takes the religion very easy. She practises sport in clubs like aerobics. She doesn't wear Hijab,.. More

  • Has money to study or get married

    I am a 27 year old man working in Saudi Arabia. I have been acceptance at an Australian university to study for a masters in nursing, but I have only about 15000 $. This money is enough to get married. So now I do not know what to do? I have the choices of getting married or going to Australia for stud. What must I do according to the priorities in.. More

  • Parents want advice about marriage proposal for their daughter

    My daughter is 24 years old, and a man from her work came to me and her father at home to ask her hand for marriage. He is Muslim but from another Arabic country. He is also 11 years older than her. He explained to us that his parents will not forgive him for marrying someone they didn't choose, especially if not from the same country they are.. More

  • Likes a Muslim brother who is unaware of her feelings

    I am a Muslim sister who happens to like a Muslim brother, but he doesn't know that I like him. What should I do?.. More

  • Husband treats his family with two wives as isolated marriages

    My children refuse to talk or deal with their father's second wife.i have tried to talk to them but to no avail. My husband says just to leave them. We live in the same house in different apartments. She delivered twins recently, but the father has not spoken to my children about the birth or even brought the children into the house. He expect to.. More

  • Loving a girl innocently

    Does Islam give permission to love a girl? If yes, then Allah has said that meeting with girls is a sin. Then how can we love them. And if no, then Allah has given the right to love and said that both the sexes are attracted towards each other please justify... More

  • Confused about a marriage proposal she recieved

    I have a question regarding the marriage. If there is a proposal of a man for a girl. He is very religious and has good manners. His family is also nice, but he is not very educated [he has passed high school] and his job is not permanent. The girl's mother is saying that if he loses his job what he will do as he does not have any skill or education.. More

  • Family rights in marriage

    My husband married another sister a year ago. Presently we are living mostly on family allowance of my 7 children. He is not motivated to work and is not fair with the second wife. Who has a right to this family allowance and is it my responsibility to constantly remind him of the second wife rights? Presently she sits quietly, not wanting him to.. More

  • A husband showing affection to both wives at the same time

    To what extent a husband can show affection to his both wives when both are sitting in the same place. 1- Can he greet both of them at same time by hugging them and kissing on their cheeks? 2- Can he take both of them to dinner together? 3- Can he play with both of them at same time, in which a little kissing or touching of the body is involved? .. More

  • Got acquainted before proposing marriage by cell phone contacts

    I am currently involved in a relationship with a Muslimah through SMS message. It's taking us far, and I just proposed to her through SMS. My worry is that I love her so much, but the feeling of getting married to her, after being involved in such a relationship (sending sms messages) makes me feel our marriage won't last long. Can I marry her? Please.. More

  • After knowing her past he promised marriage, but abandoned her

    I want to know if a person promises to marry you and simply abandons you and is not in touch anymore what is the fatwa regarding this. After knowing my past life he promises and then goes away, does this mean he's afraid of my past then why did he promise?.. More