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1012 fatwas

  • She wants to marry but there are family problems

    I am a sister residing in UK studying for a PhD. I love this gentleman who is my colleague back home and he also loves me. We both have been very pure in our feelings and none of the usual meeting and dating stuff ever took place. All this happened before I was suppose to come here for my studies in 2002. Due to my good result I was offered a.. More

  • Obey your father and seek Allah's help

    I have a dilemma; I know this man via my sister in law. He is very good, sweet, kind Muslim man. But I live in Holland and he lives (illegal) in the States. I am going to Morocco this summer and he wants to let his parents meet my parents and ask for my hand. Can my parents not accept this because the man to be is not present but in the US because.. More

  • Engaged people holding hands

    Is it OK for engaged people to hold hands?.. More

  • Marry as soon as you can: the earlier the better

    I am just celebrating my 40th birthday. As of today, Ihavebeen unable tomeet the right spouse. I was engaged three years ago, but it did not work out. Lately, Iam becoming more isolated and very shyabout going out and attending social events. The reason is that most of my friends and people in my social circle are married. Attending events as a.. More

  • Married and remained living in separate countries

    I would like to know the ruling on being married and living in separate countries. I have met someone but we are both studying in different countries. Both our parents have consented and we hope to get engaged in the summer.However,I am currently doing a PhD and still have another two years to go and he hopes to be starting a PhD after the summer... More

  • Overwhelmed by his child's destiny

    I'm young Muslim who lives in Canada, having married with a Christian lady that refused to convert to Islam. We have a child that she wants to raise up Christian. We had a deadlock of our relationship (divorce), but I'm very overwhelmed about my child destiny (about the religion since she has the right to keep the child. Well, I acknowledge that I.. More

  • Brother involved with a non-Muslim girl

    I have a brother who is involved with this non-Muslim girl knowing it is Haram. His parents are against the idea of him marrying a non-Muslim girl, but he is not budging from his decision. Is there anything that we can do to make him change his mind?.. More

  • Suffering as a second wife

    I am the second wife of my husband. My parents opposed this; as a result they have disowned me and have given him severe hardship to the extent that they reported to the police a case of kidnapping me. I was 29 years of age then. I just want to know is it wrong what I have done? My husband treats his first wife really nice, though his first wife.. More

  • Makes prohibited contacts with females

    I have a problem but each time I tried to correct it more temptations come around me. my problem started when I was youngbecause I grew loving the things of this world so much but in a bid to run away from it (especially having sex with opposite sex) I made a pledge to Allah that InshaAllah I wont do it again until I get married since then I.. More

  • Arranging a meeting between a fiance and his fiancee

    Please in this part of the world parents first arrange a meeting date called introduction which is meant for the intending husband and wife's family to get to know one another before the day of Nikah, I want to know if this is acceptable in the Shariah... More

  • His mother wants him to marry only a Saudi and a cousin

    I have a friend who wants to marry a certain girl, but his mother has voiced her strong disapproval and is totally against even the idea of him having any thoughts of ever becoming attached by marriage to her. Her main reasons for this being that the girl is not Saudi and he is. This is against their "tribe's" traditions and he must marry a.. More

  • Wants to become engaged, but fearful of her past

    I am a 20 year old girl I was going out with a guy from my university who is Muslim as well, but we both made mistakes. and we even used to kiss and hug each other. But I am still virgin because we never slept with each other. After Ramadan I became another person; started wearing hijab and I made real repentance I am not talking to this boy any.. More

  • Her finance wants to look at her neck and legs

    I ama 23 year old girl. I have a finance who wants to look at my neck and legs as Omar (radiy Allahu Anhu) did. Is it correct or not?.. More

  • Talking with fiancee

    I engaged to a religious girl but when I discussed with her some financial matters she felt that I am a miser and refused me. I did not try to return to her considering this is the result of Istikhara... More

  • Marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim

    How can I explain to a non-Muslim, that marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim is not permitted? .. More