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2837 fatwas

  • Why the Name Anti-Christ?

    Assalaamu alaykum. I was wondering why is Ad-Dajjaal called the Antichrist? Shouldn't he be called Anti-Mohammed (phub)? .. More

  • Selling Chicken to Celebrate Christmas

    Chickens is usually killed to celebrate Christmas in Nigeria. Thus, is it allowed for a Muslim who coincidentally have chickens to sell at this period (without intention of Christmas) to move with his business, knowing that most of the purchaser will kill it for Christmas. .. More

  • The Dead Hearing People Before Burial

    Assalamoalaykum, I know that once a person is lowered in the grave, he/she can hear the footsteps of the people who came to bury him/her. But, due to my curiosity, I want to ask you what happens to the person who passed away BUT BEFORE his/her BURIAL? I mean, can he/she hear the people .. More

  • What the Prophet Forbids Is Same as What Allah Forbids

    I heard of a hadith that went like this: the prophet s.a.w said: "i wanted to forbid you from ghilla but i saw the romans and persians doing it and it didnt harm them so go ahead and do it". Our rules in islam are from Allah, why did he s.a.w say he wanted to forbid us from doing ghilla, but didnt do it? I know that he can be inspired by Allah but shouldnt.. More

  • Pleasing People While Displeasing Allah

    my question regarding the following hadith below is how do I explain when people who commit haram acts are being cheered by their fans like music concerts, wrestling, or when non mahram male and woman chat. are they not enjoying it? “Whoever seeks to please Allah with something displeasing to people, then Allah will be pleased with him. Whoever seeks.. More

  • What You Mentioned Is Not Disbelief

    Selam AleykumRecently something strange happened to me.I was playing on my gaming console and deleted unintenionally a game.At this moment i was very angry and insulted with words which are famous in bosnian for cursing.When i was cursing i turned my head to the sky like someone turns it during du‘a and then i had a strange feeling like i was meaning.. More

  • Did Magic to Make Him Love Her and Adorns Herself to Non-Mahrams

    If a muslim has recited a few spell of magic from net so that a guy falls in love with her and if she has even said that i may be blessed with beauty so that the guy falls in love wirh hwr after the spell If she has done that intentionally knowing she will be thrown into hell and doing kufr but after half an hour repented regretfully for realized wat.. More

  • Imitating non-Muslims

    I have read that the Prophet -peace be upon him- forbids us to imitate the non-Muslims in any aspect of life. But I don’t understand how this could apply in clothing. Most people buy their clothes from non-Muslim brands and Muslim women, nowadays, like to follow non-Muslim fashion. Is this haram? Also, unfortunately, nowadays it is the non-Muslims.. More

  • She Doubts the Existence of Allah

    As salaamu alaikum.i am 33 years old muslim woman.i am following my religion.i have two doughts1)God exists or not,if yes why Islam only correct, I am asking this to became strong Muslim.I am feeling shy to ask second question but this second thing leading me to depression ,I am asking this question2)i married at the year 2010.from these 8 years I am.. More

  • Affected With Whispers about Kufr

    Is it kufr if somebody reads or listens to the quran and looks at non mahram women without desire? It happens that they enter the mosque and people look if it is male or female and if they know the person, after realizing the turn their gaze away. So is it kufr if one repeadly looks without any reason while beeing in the mosque and listening to the.. More

  • Prophet’s Knowledge of the Unseen

    We believe that only Allah knows the unseen. The prophet knew and told js about some signs of the judgement day. So how can we reconcile these things. Does this mean that this knowledge that the prophet had is not knowledge of the unseen, after Allah has informed him about it? Can we say that everything that Allah only knows is knowledge of the unseen.. More

  • He Believes that His Mother Apostated

    Salaam aleykum. My mother recently died and I was wondering if it's permissible to ask Allah to forgive her during prayer and dua or give sadaqa in her name when I've witnessed her calling to other things besides Allah on her deathbed. For example, she said "oh my mother" and "Oh Prophet Muhammad". Many people claim that because she was sick and in.. More

  • Seeing Non-Muslims Doing Acts of Worship on TV

    If on the news, non-muslims doing acts of worship is shown and we see it what should we do? Should we turn off the TV? Should we complain about what is shown to the channel? .. More

  • ‘Allah Saved That Person Through The Doctor’

    Assalamu alaykum. Is that type of speech allowed, "Allah has saved that person through the doctor"? .. More

  • Buying Shoes Marked ‘Viking’

    Assalamu alaikum. May Allah reward you with good. I was wondering if it is ok to wear shoes which is marked "viking" with small letters. We live in Norway and the vikings that lived here before were idol worshippers. The shoes marked "viking" have nothing do to with the vikings, just it is a mark on a certain kind of shoes here that are of good quality.. More