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salamun alaykum shaykh ..regarding a question wat should one respond to jazakallah khair ..I hv seen references like this For jazakallah khair we should REPLY by wa antum fa jazakallahu khair from. (Musnad Abu Y'ala 2/243and Ibn Hibbaan 16/268)buta confusion is thatmany peoplesay it is not how to respond, so doI respond correctly or if I am wrong correct.. More
What is the sharia ruling on shaking hands between men and (non-Mahram [permanently unmarriageable]) women? Umaymah bint Ruqayqah, may Allaah be pleased with her, narrated that the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "I do not shake hands with women." Is this ruling specific to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, since.. More
As Salamu aleykum shaykh May Allah bless you.I got one question: is it permissible for a muslim to kneeling down (on one knee) for a proposal of marriage if there is no shirk or superstition involved and in the presence of the mahram of the woman? I would like to mention that this act is as I know not an religious act but rather tradition. For muslims.. More
Asslam'alaykum, Please advise me if Rasoole Karim(sallallah'alayh'wasallam encouraged to kiss his hands to show respect and honour. In some parts of subcontinent peoples use to kiss hands of a person who recently performed hajj and also hands of Islamic scholars. Moreover, please let me know the reference of hadeeth which narrates that 'Hazrat Ma'az.. More
As-salamu Alaykum. What is the ruling on saying "Kiss my hand" to a person?
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Alsalama 'alaikum warahmatullah. I am struggling to become a better Muslim and I'm finding myself having a difficult time adjusting. What I'm noticing about a lot of Muslims that I admire, is that they have beautiful speech. By this I mean they often say things like the salam and jazakallah khr rather than just hello or thank you. They say alhamdulillah.. More
I have com across some non-muslims living in Qatar, Bahrain and other muslim nations and found them using words like insha-Allah, Alhamdulillah while conversating with their muslim fellows. Is this allowed and accepted as they think its all just a language , nothing more. So using this theory can I as Muslim greet a Hindu saying namaste...?
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Aslaam-o-Alaikum I had a quick question regard shaking hands with an opposite gender. I know that shaking hands with the opposite gender is not permissible. I have had few interviews in past and some of the interviewers were female. When they offered me to shake hands with them, I said no saying that I don't shake hands with females. Don't know whether.. More
salam alayk sheik, may Allah reward your effort. my question is about my husband. he like kissing our daughter to the extend that when she was a baby he use to bring his tongue out for her to suck but now she is 2 years old and he kiss her all around her face and most at times on her worries me a lot because i try to stop him but he is still.. More
Asalama aleikum. I am unemployed individual. So i am in need of work because i have debts, and wish to start university, and it requires that i take a loan with rents or that i fund it myself. So i have decided to try to find work so that i can avoid the rents. In the country that i live roughly 50% of the employers/bosses are women. The problem is.. More
Ma‘qil ibn Yasaar, May Allaah Be Pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, strictly forbade touching unlawful women. Does this mean that I am forbidden from touching my Mahram women?.. More
Is a woman forbidden to shake hands with boys?.. More
Assalamualaikum wbt. I would like to ask a question about sunnah. There are an article spreading in my country in facebook. the tittle is the forgettable sunnah. it says that sunnah teach us to point at something using forefinger (first finger next to the thumb). if we use thumb finger to point at something. it will be same as Yahudi. Normally malays.. More
is saying allah hafiz or jummah mubarak a bid'ah .. More
Upon entering the mosque, should I greet people in the mosque or perform the prayer of Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid first? Thank you... More
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