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Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllah wa barakatuhu, A brother just now blamed me for making Takfir on him, when I told him, I don't make takfir, it was him who constantly makes takfir on the Muslim rulers, he said, not saying "Salam" to a Muslim is automatically Takfir. I never say Hi and always say Salam, except when I am on the street and am just sending.. More
It has been a common observation that people touch their private parts and perform their routine tasks after that without washing, is it right? and if I have seen someone carrying this touch am I allowed to not shake hand with him?.. More
Assalam u alaikum Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakatuhu, I have two questions to ask. This is the second time I am sending the questions. I request you to kindly answer my questions at the earliest. 1. I heard from my elders that place plays an important role in ones health, wealth and success. I mean to ask that if some one falls sick and unable to recover.. More
Is it permissible to send a greeting card to my friend for Christmas?.. More
As Salaam Alaikum Respected Scholar, Is it permissible to add supplements on greetings? When one greets by saying "Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatu" and the other replies the same adding "...wa Maghfiratu", so it this practice alright in Shari'ah? I have also read that Sahaaba use to add up to 30 words in greetings, is this true about them?.. More
Dear Sir,
I am Yusuf, 28 years old.
There is a nice family in the neighborhood that I visit from a day to another.
I went with the grandma and her sister to the airport and in the airport the grandma kissed me as her son.
I don't know if this kiss is OK because she is in the age of my mother or this kiss is still forbidden.
And what should I.. More
As salaamu alaikum, Almost every muslim that I have ever met says "as salaamu alaikum" when greeting one muslim. However, someone told me that the greeting should change depending on who is being spoken to - "as salaamu alaika" for one man, "as salaamu alaiki" for one woman, "as salaamu alaik" for either one man or one woman, and "as salaamu alaikum".. More
as salaamu alaykum dear respected scholars. My question deals with the precious phrase 'As salaamu Alaykum' and the response. is it a must to return this precious phrase in heaven to those who fight you for your faith and only use this precious phrase as a ruse to catch you off guard to their real intentions of working against you and the mu'mineen... More
has any Fatwa been given by Imaam-e-Kaaba about any connection between Hell and Hello, making Hello mean "Heller". Kindly clarify, as this is a major confusion in Pakistan nowadays... If yes, then kindly show the reference, source or anything reliable!
Thanks.. More
as-salam 3alaykom.
my question is concerning answering salam but in e-mail. i subscribed to a daily hadeeth (imaam al-Bukhari) and with each sent mail there's a salam to all the group. since we r obliged to answer a salam, is it an obligation on us to reply back with an e-mail or it's enough to say in urself the reply intending salam on these ppl who.. More
what is the ruling on audience clapping and shoes being upside down.. More
Assalamu alikum wa rahmatou Allah wabarakatoho.
Dear brothers, my question is concerning a tradition we have here where I live. People usually meeting each other greet using SALAM than shake hands. While shaking hands they say : "Allahoma sali wa salim ala sayidina Mohammed". Is doing so permitted ? Or it's some bat tradition that we must refrain from.. More
Aslkum., I have a Question regarding salam in India there is a retual of raising there right hand and saying salam and if u are greeting an elder person then u are suppose to go closer and bowdown .. Will this act of greeting count as shirk ? .. More
As Salamu Alycom wa rahmutallah wa barakato. I have a quick question convcerning give Salam to other muslims. What is the minimum (or shortest) salam a muslim can give to another muslim? I know about the hadith of the people that came to a gathering that Rasoolallah (A) had, and as they gave salam, Rasoolallah (A) said 10, 20, and 30 depending on the.. More
Assalamo Alaikum, is that right to stand up when your superior chef of the work, teacher or somebody who is superior than you when he is passing. For muslim this act is not like shirk. please I need the answer, because i live with this problem everyday i my office. Jazakullah Khair.. More
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