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If a non-believer says Salaam, he gets good deed for this? .. More
How does one greet a person from a sect other than Sunni Muslim, e.g. Ismaaeeli, etc. .. More
Is it permissible for a sister to put her hand around her brother's neck and kiss him? I think this is Haraam and to love brothers we need not kiss or hug. What is the Islamic viewpoint? .. More
Is it ok for parents to kiss their children on the lips, and in public? Example: Mother kissing her's son or father kissing his daughter? .. More
I would like to know if I can kiss my sister's or daughter's forehead after her marriage? .. More
Who started greeting in Islam? .. More
I have received e-mails which use ASAK instead of "As-salaamu 'Alaykum…". I consider this to be innovation and not appropriate. I would appreciate your comments. .. More
Is it possible - under Islamic rules - to say " salam alikom " to non-Muslims ? Could a Muslim say " salam" before a Christian speaks to him ? Is it possible to say " good morning," or any non-Islamic salams? Gazakom Allaho khayransalam.. More
My question is regarding the much talked about issue of greeting the non-Muslims. The Hadith tells us not to begin the greeting to non-Muslims. My questions are:(1) Is the greeting mentioned in this Hadith the Islamic greeting "Assalam Alaikum" or is it any greeting such as "how are you?" (2) If we are not allowed to greet them first, can we start to.. More
Is it allowed to greet non-Muslim with the meaning of "assalamu alaikum" but not with word "assalamu alaikum"?.. More
I have accepted the Salaafi Da'wah a year ago, in my country (India) most of the people while shaking hand uses both their hands while I have heard that shaking with the right hand only is good. Please clarify according to the Sunnah of the Prophet and also tell what I should supplicate while I shake hand with anyone. .. More
Why does Islam not allow greeting non-Mahram women by hand?
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The Bengali Muslims follow a custom which the Hindu's do. They bow down and take salaam from their parent's feet, their elders and when they get married to their in- laws.
So far from what I know this is not correct, and it is not a Sunnah of the prophet SAW. How do I explain this to my parents and elderly... since I have stopped doing this and.. More
Is it permissible for men to kiss each other in the cheeks like most Arabs and Mediterranean people do?.. More
1. What is the difference between Nabi and Rasul that is different between prophet and messenger?
2. Can a man say 'Al-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakathu' to a woman whether she is at her home and the man is a guest or they met in a way (journey) and she is not from the Muharamat? Is saying 'Al-salamu Alaikum' by a man to a woman or the opposite.. More
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