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Assalaamualaykum, Can a questioner do salaam to an Alim before asking any question to him? .. More
Assalaamu Alaykum. Dear Shaikh,I used to go to pray in a small mosque where i live, the problem is that people who pray there have no respect whatsoever towards you. If they don't know you you say Assalaamu Alaykum,they turn their face to the other side, but if they know you they smile at you, talk to you, greet you and as soon as we finish the.. More
with reference to fatwa # 83692, i would like to have further clearification " shall the one who is kissing and the one who is kissed must have a bllod relation or can say mahram to each other , or it is in general regardless of being mahram and namahram ".. More
i am a student in islamic university in uganda. Sine arriving here i've seen some p ratices done by both muslims and non-muslims, among them is women kneeling infront of men whenever they meet. ie a wife kneeling infront of the husband, or young ladies kneeling infront of elders. my question is... is this practice permissable in islam? and please give.. More
You mentioned previously that males should greet by shaking hands only, and that it is allowed to embrace after an absence or traveling. In certain cultures at special times e.g. 'Eed, men embrace and kiss each other on the cheeks, is this allowed?.. More
Sometimes after not seeing my mother in-law for a long time, I say Salaam to her and kiss her like my mother, and she is elderly. My wife also kisses my father, is this permissible? .. More
Who are the first people who practised shaking hands? .. More
My female friends invited me to visit a male colleague who married recently in his house, so is this congratulation for establishing a new Muslim family?.. More
My daughter is six months old, is it forbidden for me to kiss her hands or her legs? .. More
Is it forbidden to shake hands with children? .. More
How do I greet a Muslim friend of mine? I'm not Muslim, but I am reading and learning about Islam. .. More
Is it permissible for a man to French kiss a man while none of them feels any sexual joy? .. More
Is it true that we are supposed to say Assalaamu Alaykum at the time of entering our house and Khudahafeez at the time of leaving it even if there is no one in the house at the time of entry or exit? Please quote a related Hadeeth. .. More
If a person greets a group of people by saying Salaam Alaykum, and if someone who doesn't belong to that group hears it, does he too have to reply for that Salaam?.. More
Well I just need evidence from the Quran that touching an individual girl is Haraam or not? And the limitation of the communication the two can have. But please I want from Quran only. I know we also have in Hadeeth but I have to prove something to someone. .. More
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