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What is the ruling of a "Muslim" ruler that makes some of his Muslim subjects bow to him as a sign of allegiance? Is he still considered Muslim?.. More
My question relates to pray. If someone is praying, and a latecomer says, ‘Salaam Alaikum', do we move our hand? Second, is it possible to have 2 Jamaat in the same mosque at different times but same prayer?
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Is there any Daleel for placing one's hand on one's chest after shaking hands with a brother?.. More
Is kissing the hands of pious, Aalim (scholar), old and elderly allowed in Islam. This includes aunts, uncles, and also distant aunts and uncles.
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I know that you should say Salaam to every brother who passes by whether you know him or not. Should a man passing a woman give Salaam to her? I have heard a Hadith that when the Messenger of Allah passed a sister, he would say greetings. Is this true?
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As slamou alaikoumWhat is the Sharia ruling to say "Allo" on the phone?.. More
Can women greet men hello by shaking hands?.. More
When I am reading Holy Qur'an and I am greeted must I return this greeting?.. More
Is it permissible for a Muslim martial arts student to bow as part of a martial arts class, if the bow is intended as a sign of respect, and not as a religious act?.. More
How do you respond to a Christian who says: As-Salaam alaikum? What is the judgment of a Muslim, with Wudu shaking hands of a Kafir or a Christian before proceeding to Salat?
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What is the Hokum of clapping especially in a totally Islamic audience?.. More
Is it Haram to bend (as when you are praying) for a person like a king?.. More
Is it Sunnah not to stand up and shake one's hand if I was sitting? Or do I have to stand up and shake hands? What if the man who came to me to shake hands was older than me?.. More
Can my brother embrace me?.. More
I need Fatawa on the following issue:Hadith and Daleel about greeting with "AL-Salaamu Alaikum" followed by "Good Morning"... More
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