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1048 fatwas

  • Receiving guests who hated late mother

    My dad had two wives. My mom never got along with the second wife nor with her sister. A few years after my mom's death, my dad went to visit my sister and was welcomed. Then he went to visit my sister a few times with his second wife because he needed treatments. They were all very well receivedall those times. However, they never ever visited her.. More

  • Brother-in-law has no authority over brother's wife

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is: can I stop my sister-in-law from going to my uncle's house (mother's brother) by herself as it is creating a lot of confusion in the family? She is my eldest sister-in-law among four brothers, and I am the youngest son-in-law to her, but my second brother says that I cannot tell her this as I have no say in her life... More

  • Husband kind at times and abusive at others

    I need help please, my husband and I have been married for two years now. He started treating me bad lately; he goes on for no reason for the last few weeks. He jumps down my throat and says the worst things to me. I feel worse than a dog. When he goes on like that, he tells me to leave the house and says that he does not love me and blames me for everything.. More

  • Her non-Muslim in-laws jeopardize her son's religiosity

    Assalaamu alaykum. I married a new Muslim and, praise be to Allaah, have a four-year-old boy. My husband is from a big Hindu family. Due to his job, we live in another state. Our problem started from day one, they asked me to keep 'bindi' and 'sindhoor', asked us to touch their feet, and fight with me for wearing hijab, and his two big brothers always.. More

  • Father neither prays nor repays his debts

    Assalaamu alaykum. I belong to a Muslim family and want to ask about my father. My father used to earn income through wrong means and still does so. He does not pray and is far away from Islamic deeds. Due to his unjust earnings, we have been in many crises for a long time. Day after day, many people come up to ask for money that my father took from.. More

  • Adult son has choice to live with parents or not

    Assalaamu alaykum. Does a father have the right to demand that his only son (who is adult) lives with him? Thank you .. More

  • Feeling guilty for hating abusive father

    Assalaamu alaykum. My dad abused me my whole life, both sexually, when I was young, and emotionally. For the past year, we have been estranged. Now he is dead, and I feel so much pain and guilt. I am questioning everything and fear that he might have tried to make amends but that I did not give him a chance. In the past few months, I would go to see.. More

  • Neglecting ties of kinship to focus on calling to Allaah

    Assalaama alaykum. I want to ask you if it is permissible for me to ignore my muslim brothers and family members (not because of hatred, envy, or jealousy) except for my brother, sister, and mother. Is there not a hadith that states that the pleasure of Allaah is the pleasure of the mother? If I compensate it by being the best for my mother among all.. More

  • Parents upset because daughter wears niqaab and does not work

    I am a university graduate having qualifications that are quite respected in the business world. Nevertheless, I never workedbecause of the prohibition of working in a mixed environment and because I wear niqaab. My refusal to work is a serious disappointment for my parents. I do not feel guilty for not becoming a career woman, but I do feel regret.. More

  • Total forsaking of parents impermissible

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Is there any condition in which a child can leave their parents completely? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Wife loving her mother more than her husband

    In Islam, is it a sin for a woman to love her mother more then her husband? .. More

  • Father's right in child's wealth if he did not raise him

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read that even if your father never helped raise you nor spent on you and stayed away out of his own choice, you must still obey him, can he just show up out of the blue and take some of your wealth, as the hadith says that the child's wealth is his father's, and can he take what he needs? Please, I need a full answer about the.. More

  • Mother wants son to keep TV

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Respected, revered Shaikh, my question is the following: my respected mother is asking to keep a television in order to watch entertainment channels, but I refused to do so, praise be to Allaah, because I cannot go against the Quran and Sunnah. I live in Saudi Arabia, and my mother told me that she.. More

  • How to treat ill-reputed parent

    My mother was not good by character. She was involved in multiple physical relationships. She left her five children because of that. We, her children, suffered alot. I do not know how much of it is true. Allaah knows better. Now she is old, lives alone, and has no money sometimes. She is sorry for what she did; she cries a lot and asks for forgiveness... More

  • Son's responsibility towards his father's financial obligations

    Does a child have to finish their parents life obligations? For example, if a father needed to build a house for his family to live in but he no longer can do so because he used the money for other things in his lifetime, can he then force his child to finish that as an obligation even though it will bring much stress and hardship for the child because.. More