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1517 fatwas

  • Saying ‘divorce happened’ in reference to a past divorce is not a new divorce

    Dear Scholar. I was talking to my mother-in-law and informed her that my husband gave me one divorce and that now two are left. My husband was sitting with me and said, "Divorce happened," confirming the previous divorce that he gave me. I asked him again what he meant and he said that he was referring to the previous incidence in which I claimed that.. More

  • When husband refrains from having intercourse with his wife

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Respected scholar, I got married the first time in 2008; due to misunderstandings and arguments, he pronounced a triple divorce in anger, so I got separated from him. I got married to another person in 2009. Before marriage, he said that he has some sexual problem, which I am fine with. I feared Allaah.. More

  • Suffering from the husband and his parents

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a very rough marriage. My husband is part of Jamaa'at At-Tabligh, and I am strictly against this group. He was not a part of this group before marriage, and my parents and I were guaranteed this. He has become an active member of this group and it has caused him to degrade me. When I asked why I was falsely told about his activities.. More

  • A wife asking for khul’ from abusive husband with whom she has children

    She lives with her husband, her husband mistreated her badly, has given her divorce twice, and always threatens her with the third divorce. She always lives her life in fear and now her heart has become completely cold towards her husband, and she wants to request a khul’ (type of divorce requested by the wife). She cannot live with him anymore because.. More

  • Doubting whether written divorce was effective or not

    I have been married for six years; during this time, I divorced her twice, but we reconciled. Three months ago, she left the country to meet her parents, and we kept in touch via the internet. We had an argument a month ago and have not been talking since. Then something happened, and I got very angry and sent her a message that I will divorce her (meaning.. More

  • Ruling on conditional divorce in the past tense

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. My question is regarding a conditional promise of divorce. If the phrase is in the future it counts as a promise of divorce. What if a man says, "I would have already left you if you did this." In this case, if the wife did the action, is divorce effective? .. More

  • Husband not obliged to spend on recalcitrant wife

    Assalaamu alaykom. My wife is American and I am a Pakistani national. We got married in Saudi Arabia and live here. I am responsible for the expenses when she is living here with me. She has her business in America and has been staying there for two months in order to manage her business. I feel bad because I live here alone and long for wife. Instead.. More

  • The ruling on divorce if husband merely signed divorce papers

    Respected Mufti, please help me to save my future and to rectify my mistake. I got married in secret with a man that was already married without informing my family and in the presence of two friends of my husband in April 2013. There is a wide professional and educational gap between us (I m a MD doctor, He is a bus driver). Ever since, I have not.. More

  • Ruling on divorce depends on its type

    Assalaamu alaykum. The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,said, "The pen has been lifted from three: from the sleeper until he wakes up, from the minor until he grows up, and from the insane until he comes back to his senses or recovers." the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,said, "The deeds are considered by the intentions." In light of the.. More

  • Staying out the house without husband's permission is recalcitrance

    I am from Saudi Arabia. I have been married for the last six years (since 2009) with one daughter and one son. Every year, I visit India two or three times and leave my wife at her parents home for four to eight days. This time, we were going for the Eid to India, and I took three weeks off. I told her several times that I would send her for one week.. More

  • An ambiguous case of multiple divorces

    I pronounced the divorce several times out of ignorance or confusion due to what shaykhs were telling me. All utterings were at the urging of my wife while I was just going along with her wishes. An imam told me that I can take her back anytime and I wrongly assumed that I can divorce and take her back as many times as I want. Also, to the best of my.. More

  • Her husband does not live with her without a valid reason

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is about a husband being away from his wife without valid reasons. My husband allowed me to move from his state to be with my son in another state. I assumed that he would be joining us shortly after since he does not have a job currently (or family) in his state; he is just working odd jobs. Alhamdulillah, Allaah has.. More

  • Her husband returned after a five-year absence but she was given divorce by the court

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh Brother/Sister. I have just found a question to you regarding the divorce; I mean, one Afghan girl got married in Afghanistan with an Afghan man who has lived in Germany for years, and after spending 20 days, he went to Germany and left his wife in his father-in-law's home and did not appear for four.. More

  • She is married but her ex-husband claims that she is still his wife

    Assalaamu alaykom, I was married in 2008 as a second wife. My husband and I had many arguments; on one occasion, he divorced me twice with the words of talaq (divorce). He took me back the same day, but after a year we separated, and he said that I was free. I asked him whether we were married and he replied in the negative. Later, under pressure, he.. More

  • A woman is not obliged to tell people how many times she was divorced

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. If you have been divorced more then once, is it necessary to tell people or is it ok to mention that you have been divorced but not how many times? Or do you have to tell the person that you will be marrying how many times you have been divorced? Just to protect your reputation as in the Indian/Pakistani culture it.. More