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1517 fatwas

  • Status of the raped woman

    Can you please enlighten me in the light of Quran and Hadeeth, about the status of a woman who has been raped by her close relative? For example, if a woman is raped by her father-in-law, what are the rulings for her? Can she stay with her husband or will she has to stay with her father-in-law as his wife and then her husband with be like.. More

  • Unbearable marriage

    I was married at age 16 and soon as my husband got into the UK he started to talk filthy about my mum. He did this for 14 years every single day. He would watch porn movies and want anal sex every night then one day my brother caught him kissing my sister. But he begged for forgiveness and life continued. I now have 4 children. I never mentioned.. More

  • Husband threatened her with divorce

    My husband said me I will divorce you if you go to Lahore, I have to go Lahore, before I leave for Lahore at airport he realized and stop saying his words of divorce and he allow me to go, and he don't divorce me. So we are husband and wife by the grace of Allaah... More

  • Her husband does not pray or fast, smokes and disrespects her mother

    I was born in U.S but married a man from my family in Jordan thinking that marrying in the family would make the marriage more happy. Before I married him he swore to me he would stop smoking and that he would pray. Also, when he came to the U.S he was poor so he lived in my mother's home for 2 years, and my mother even paid for his schooling... More

  • Trouble in her marriage

    I have been married for 11 years converted about 4 years ago. My husband has become very unsteady and seems to have stopped loving me for reason that makes no sense to me. Yet his family has tried to mediate several times in the past but now my heart is so heavy with all the accusation and statement that he has made that I do not see this marriage.. More

  • Matters of the deceased

    If a man's spouse dies how soon can he remarry, or is he allowed to marry again? Or there certain guidelines or rules toward this? Also how long can a man mourn after his spouse dies? If a person of Muslim religion commits suicide is that persons admitted into paradise even though they took there own life. .. More

  • Seeks to help his friend avoid a divorce

    After through discussion with an Islamic scholar (Mufti), my friend has sent the first divorce notice to his wife. Among many others, one pertinent issue was that my friend's wife did not cook food for her husband, did not clean the house and had no interest in general house keeping. Later, from reliable sources, my friend came to know that according.. More

  • Divorced 3 times for adultery and her first ex-husband wants to remarry her after her second marriage

    I was married to a man and we divorced because I cheated on him. We did divorce three times because he kept taking me back. I then married and had a daughter with this man (He is not Muslim). Now this new husband has left me because I cheated on him. I have recently saw my ex-husband again and he is not married again. He has asked me to.. More

  • Wants to remarry his first wife whom he doubts he has divorced

    I live in the US and I have been married twice but unfortunately both marriages were not successful. In the first marriage there was very good understanding between me and my wife but due to some unfortunate events, we got separated. Eventually, I decided to marry again. I never pronounced divorce to my first wife. Since our marriage took place.. More

  • Took an oath on her husband's insistence

    Once my husband ordered me to swear on God that if I talked loudly in front of him then I am divorced so I swore by God that if I talked loudly in front of him then I would stand divorced thrice. Now I need to know that where do I stand. If I ever spoke loudly then would I be divorced and how to get rid of it. Remember it was me who took the.. More

  • Marriage situation almost desperate

    I am a newly reverted woman, married to a Muslim man. Until recently our marriage seemed great. However recently it has been hard to keep together I am trying my best but I am not sure if he is. See I previously wrote to you Fatwa: 89856, and he does pray and read Quran etc. So I am trying, he finally agreed to have kids with me, however he says.. More

  • Questionable divorce

    It's a question about divorce. I am second wife of my husband and got married with him 3 years back. At the time of marriage my husband told me that he has given divorce to her first wife but on fourth day of marriage he told me that I was not given divorce to his wife when I back to America I will file divorce case. Actually the story was totally.. More

  • Adulterous wife wants advice

    I wrote to you before and you responded back to me in Fatwa: 89644. I am suffering a great deal at this time. What I have committed will not be forgotten by anyone; my husband, family, friends, etc. everyone knows. I cannot hide that I am confuse. People telling me that my life is over with my husband. No man will forget what I have done... More

  • Married to a non-practicing Muslim and unhappy

    I got married since almost one year of an American lady and before we got married she told me I'll be a Muslim like you and I'll stop smoking. So I liked that so much and I said that would work good for me and my wife she will be a Muslim and we will get the reward of Allaah of that and she will stop smoking (she doesn't drink) and I was so happy... More

  • Afraid to reconcile with his wife

    I wrote to you before seeking Fatwa: 89520. I did everything I can in my power and ability to bring her back to the right path. I could not. Legal battle through out the court system in this country (N. America) is taking all. What I have now and in the future? I need to be able to one rescue my kids and second if I can bring her back to Allaah... More